i am super mad at this story because i feel like jaeha never actually suffered? like Jaeha...

chloe March 10, 2021 10:03 pm

i am super mad at this story because i feel like jaeha never actually suffered? like Jaeha made Eunho feel like it was his fault that they broke up. (i also am still unclear on what “pain” Eunho cause Jaeha when they were dating cause Jaeha says he was so happy?) i thought that was super unfair. he also complained about how hard it was without Eunho and he’s literally the cause of all their troubles. he also never apologized for literally answering a call while he was get absolutely railed. i thought he was super shitty to Eunho and honestly didn’t deserve all the chances he got. i hoped Jaeha would have to chase Eunho in the last couple of seasons but it was just Eunho chasing him over and over which made me sad for Eunho and mad at Jaeha.

    saeransimp March 12, 2021 6:08 pm

    I definitely see your point, but it was actually explained. I was also very mad at Jahea first. I felt more sorry for Eunho. But Jahea grew up with failing relationships. His mother left him behind, his dad hit him and didn't accept him, the relationship with his professor was purely physical and Jahea was lied to, his marriage failed. Because he started to think so lowly of himself he started to feel selfish for being in a relationship with eunho. So they broke up.

    I agree it was a bad choice, but you need to take into account how much Jahea regretted it. He was in constant pain for not sharing his pains and his past and his depression and thought too bad of himself to do so. He regretted his desicion many times, he said so himself.
    So I understand why he acted like this. Both didn't understand each others pain until they cleared up all misunderstandings, and I think they were in equal pain. Pain is always relative to everyone anyways, don't forget that

    chloe March 12, 2021 7:05 pm
    I definitely see your point, but it was actually explained. I was also very mad at Jahea first. I felt more sorry for Eunho. But Jahea grew up with failing relationships. His mother left him behind, his dad hit... saeransimp

    Thank you for explaining! I definitely understand jaeha a little bit more now and forgot about all his hurtful relationships and how they had a deep affect on him. I honestly just wanted Eunho to be happy cause of how cute and in love he was :) but both of them had struggles. thanks again for your opinion!!

    saeransimp March 13, 2021 7:17 am
    Thank you for explaining! I definitely understand jaeha a little bit more now and forgot about all his hurtful relationships and how they had a deep affect on him. I honestly just wanted Eunho to be happy cause... chloe


    __ssen March 17, 2021 1:28 pm
    :))) saeransimp

    if discussions are always like this, the world would have been a better place. i heart you two.