Yaoi manga that really sweet and fluffy!

The art is so clean, the story is so innocent and pure (⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)

Interesting question. Hmm...see, My personal definition of Pure love is very VERY different from others. So the ones I am gonna mention might not be your cup of tea.
1. Itou-san (Kurara Sui) : If this is not pure love I don't know what it is. IMHO, this is by far THE MOST pure love manga among ALL the ones I have read in my entire life.
2. Wish (CLAMP) : You'll understand why it's about PURE LOVE when you read the last chapter. It's just too heart wrenching,too beautiful & too good to spoil.
3. Replay (Ryu Riang) : Re-incarnation theme but do NOT make the mistake of assuming it as your typical re-incarnation manga. This will break your heart & prove your assumptions wrong at every possible twists & turns!
4. ZE (Shimizu Yuki) : Not recommending it because it's my Top Fav but because it's a Rich collection of Different types of Pure Love. They'll seem superficial at first but you'll see how very Pure their love is from the way they develop.
5. Boys Next Door (Yuki) : An extremely tragic twisted yet somehow peaceful manga. You can't help but love the characters & pray for their happiness.
6. Chobits (CLAMP) : Clamp is Mastermind when it comes to portraying Purest forms of love. Especially their old works. This one too will seem silly & typical at first but turns into those big jaw dropper at the end.
any pure love manga? the purest love