I agree for the death threats (but since I don't read korean I don't know if it's true). For the rest however, hard disagree:
- He hated her before the drug, and for no reason but his own pride and jalousy
- Drugs do not target someone specificaly. If it truly was not in his caracter to do that and the dugds influenced him to this point then not only he would have done just has crue tings to others but he would be barely able to reason. And it's not what his POV revealed. He had all his cognitives capabilities.
- He did not miss her, not until 4 years had passed and he realized that had been completly mistaken about her after all. I don't call that regret at all. He only missed her when he realized that she loved him and that she was not a cold. Except, Tia was fine. If he could not respect First Tia! until he realized that it wasa mask he would not have respected Second Tia! If she didn't change. And it's a red flag.
- You are talking as if Second Ruve is a Saint. He lied to her about the engagment, sent her into a comatose state and didn't care enough to apologize or even check on her. Heck, even after realizing that he was mistaken he didn't care enough to actually get to know her and redo their relstionship until she became even better and he started wanting her. He kiss her without consent while fully knowing that she is afraid of him and of touch. When she was poisoned he complened to her that she was running from her... While she was dying right beside him... And what kind and sweet misundertood boy would be alright to sentence to death an innocent person he used, knowing he did the same to the love of his life too? That's right, Second Ruve who is not that different from First Ruve after all.
- ... Are you telling me that you were publicly humilated again and again, send to prison, executed while everyone rejoiced while thinking that you got your own father that loved you after all killed too...? And it's only a part of it! Of course we are raising the trauma argument! It was far away for being neglect and a slap on the face. The way it was treated in the story was competly unacceptable. You just don't wake up one day completly alright with your living while still unsure he will not do it all again. Because, yes, by that point Tia had every reaosn to believe he would do it again. The last time they talked he snapped at her over her serving him food!

- And I forgot the part: "He loved her and she loved him"... How? He did not know her at all. It's impossible to love someone you don't know, because then it's only loveing the "idea" of them. It's is a form of self-deceit. For Tia I can agree to a point, even if it felt more like obsession than actual love.
people sending death threats to the author need to stop. Don't read the story if you will comment nonsense. if you actually read the story, you should know he was poisoned and that was why he did those things to Tia, in the first life he loved her from when they were younger, in the end, it was revealed that he was looking for tia after her death. he loved her and she loved him. what happed to tia was not his fault. a second life is a different life, where bad things haven't happened yet so you can't be hating on an innocent guy. yes, she has trauma from her first life and that is to be expected. and before some of yall start with the "you have never experienced actual abuse shut up" bitch I have.