I was told, and I quote: 'The Eui has the same sound as Oui in French, and the Joon it’s normal' Because I also suck st Korean names I had to ask last chapter :'D
I was told, and I quote: 'The Eui has the same sound as Oui in French, and the Joon it’s normal'Because I also suck st Korean names I had to ask last chapter :'D DizzyBirdy
That’s kind of how I’ve been saying it like “ooo-wee joon” but it sounded dumb so I wanted to ask haha also I’ve been saying “ah-juicy” up till now but I looked up a pronunciation and it’s like “ah-juuu-siii” and put emphasis on the “juu
I was told, and I quote: 'The Eui has the same sound as Oui in French, and the Joon it’s normal'Because I also suck st Korean names I had to ask last chapter :'D DizzyBirdy
Update: I watched a video on how to pronounce “eui” and they said it like “ooo-ee” but say it fast
Since our dear uploader-san made the Ah-juicy meme that pronunciation is stuck in my head xD but watching such videos is a good idea thanks :D DizzyBirdy
Literally when they made that meme I was like isn’t that how you’re supposed to say it?
Does anyone know how to pronounce the MC’s name I honestly suck at Korean