I am confusion

100% gay March 9, 2021 2:27 am

I dont get whats happening, and i also dont know which guild/group to trust

    Moon Pies March 17, 2021 9:38 pm

    So basically the blondie dislikes the Masked Monarch(MM) and is from British. So when the big ass turtle was projected to trample over British they called the blondie because he’s the strongest from Britain. Blondie said no one can defeat it but (with reluctance) said that the MM can alter its path. So they most likely made some kind of deal with the MM whether it be money or something else, to steer the turtle away from British. Right now the best guilds to trust are the ones aligned with the MM but the others are not particularly bad.

    ymi March 19, 2021 12:08 pm
    So basically the blondie dislikes the Masked Monarch(MM) and is from British. So when the big ass turtle was projected to trample over British they called the blondie because he’s the strongest from Britain. ... Moon Pies

    Truth. Except the prior guilds with issues before mm took over the situations and fixed them. So far the only assholes shown that I don't trust are those affiliated with the damn blondie