My Suha: An inconsistent, shitty, predatory story

Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 9, 2021 1:29 am

This is lazy writing at it's finest. Well, let's dive into this snooze fest.

When first starting off the book, we are introduced to Suha and Jiwoon. The introduction. was shitty and bland, though a sol doesn't need to have an elaborate into, there is no hook to reel in the reader besides Suha being a horny dude.

It is established that the romance is going to be between a secretary, and a CEO (or whatever). This should set off red alarms. That sort of dynamic is predatory. One has the power of another, and whether they're happy or not, the Suha will subconsciously be desensitized to any inappropriate advances made by the Jiwoon. The power imbalance does not put them on equal footing, and can lead to an abuse of power, as shown when Jiwoon made many advances on Suha, and even asked Suha's sister to spy on him. The author refuses to comment on the many instances of invasion of privacy.

The author attempts to address the predatory Dynamic, but soon after forgets about it, and paints that one girl Jiwoon was scheduled to be his potential future partner as a villain for recognizing this shitty dynamic.

The plot is just goofy and silly. It's just them having sex, and Jiwoon getting jealous. Though it's okay to have a story centered around sex, this tried to also create a balance in. the beginning between plot and smut, but soon forgot about the "plot" element. The author dipped they're toes into world building for a hot second, expanding on the business side, but then forgot about it soon after they started having copious amount of sex. Now don't give me the bs excuse that "it's just a change in plot direction!" when this "change" happened in chapter 30. Pretty early for a web novel. But even with their attempt to world build, it was a shitty one. I understood nothing, and it felt like the author just connected a bunch of random events together.

On the topic of their love, it feels really forced. There is no romance build up besides "I'm horny for you" which is really fucking stupid if you're trying to make a love story. Even now, the love aspect isn't convincing me. The author keeps confusing love, for horniness.

The author keeps bringing up random characters with no relation to the plot at all when they don't know what to do with their story. Honestly very disappointing and boring read. All they do is have sex, the author is only focused on the sex aspect, so they dropped all the other important elements of the story so they could focus on one thing. Lazy writing.

0/10 plot
0/10 writing style
6/10 art
3/10 consistency

overall score:

final thought:

A shitty book with lazy writing

    hange_zoe_wife_af March 10, 2021 9:13 pm

    i'm gonna have to disagree with you on this one bestie but get it ig

    hua’s chin March 11, 2021 12:33 am

    idgaf, if people read on an illegal site then give their fucking opinion then you don’t HAVE the right to say shit

    Moody Jazz March 11, 2021 12:42 am

    I kinda agree with this, all I saw was smut and poor plot but I hope that they'll be better in part 3

    Stardust March 11, 2021 8:05 am
    idgaf, if people read on an illegal site then give their fucking opinion then you don’t HAVE the right to say shit hua’s chin

    Lmao what? Your reply makes no sense. In stead of bashing people for their opinion work on your grammar

    hua’s chin March 11, 2021 12:09 pm
    Why the can't some people take criticism??"If YoU dOn't LIkE iT ThEN DoN't ReAd It!""ThE AutHOr pUt So MuCh wOrK iNtO ThIs""YoU CaN't wRiTE a MaNHwA sO ShuT Up"Oh yeah? Let's say I made some crappy phones and a... Pretty_eyes

    this is the singlemost dumbest reply I’ve ever fucking seen. the amount of logic flaws with the “selling it” i cant. we literally read on an il*egal s*te and here you are correlating it with someone “selling” crappy phones. to put it in your logic, you basically just stole those crappy phones without paying for them AT. ALL. If you don’t like it, simple, just fucking drop that shit and move on. people just love to waste their fucking time throwing shit that’s fictional, especially pointless when you drop your opinions on an IL*EGAL S*TE. The authors themselves are real people and everything they work on are FICTIONAL. LMFAOOOOO if you actually bought this manhwa then you have the right to criticize it but hell youre out here complaining to a manhwa as if you bought it. Free speech my ass.

    lemon March 11, 2021 9:56 pm
    idgaf, if people read on an illegal site then give their fucking opinion then you don’t HAVE the right to say shit hua’s chin

    we have the right to have our own opinions, bestie

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 11, 2021 10:07 pm
    this is the singlemost dumbest reply I’ve ever fucking seen. the amount of logic flaws with the “selling it” i cant. we literally read on an il*egal s*te and here you are correlating it with someone “se... hua’s chin

    Does it look like I care. Stop wasting time digging into your keyboard because I called your fav trash, I got places to go and things to be. I don't need you all up in the replies getting mad because I harshly criticized a predatory story, go do your homework and stop bothering me. You can disagree all you wan't but debate with ya momma on this one. Practice what you preach and don't read if you don't like.

    hua’s chin March 12, 2021 4:18 am
    we have the right to have our own opinions, bestie lemon

    right to read illegal shit, right.

    lemon March 12, 2021 2:23 pm
    right to read illegal shit, right. hua’s chin

    just because we're reading on an illegal site doesn't mean we can't have feelings about it... where's your logic?

    hua’s chin March 12, 2021 3:47 pm
    just because we're reading on an illegal site doesn't mean we can't have feelings about it... where's your logic? lemon

    and yeah it’s like youre talking to a wall, pointless and dry as fuck

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 12, 2021 3:53 pm
    and yeah it’s like youre talking to a wall, pointless and dry as fuck hua’s chin

    People like reviewing books because it's fun for them? the original intention of reviewing books was not so that the author can see them, but so they can share their opinion and have fun. Your logic is "if the author doesn't see it, it's pointless"......It's not rocket science.

    lemon March 13, 2021 2:18 am
    and yeah it’s like youre talking to a wall, pointless and dry as fuck hua’s chin

    but there are other people on this site to interact with....