Lmao nah, Wyatt and Daniel can have sex wnv Wyatt is ready even if that means 3years or 7, besides, Wyatt may be a grown ass man but let’s remember he lived a very sheltered childhood where his only purpose was to be a weapon and after turning his family in he blamed himself for what they did and all the hurt they caused innocent people so I would imagine he secluded himself from having friends until Daniel. My best bet is he doesn’t really know that Daniel wants sex because Daniel isn’t forward and we’ve seen Wyatt is a very forward and honest person.
What they need to do is talk about it, so that they are on the same page. For all we know, Wyatt may be thinking he wants to wait until Daniel is ready. Since we only know what Daniel is thinking right now, I hate to say it, but I think he needs to bring the subject up to Wyatt and ask him about it.
I get that everyone has their own pace and all, and I love their pure love for each other, but I think Wyatt needs to take some hints and ram it into Daniel, my man be holding out for three years dammmmmnnnn. I can feel the thirst got that fine hunk and he's not even getting plowed ヽ(`Д´)ノ