
Helena March 8, 2021 10:02 pm

Hi, currently loosing sanity :D I have my period and It FUCKING HURTS. Boys say having a boner in public is worse but c'mon this pain I am feeling for a week straight is killing me. I've been drinking pills to calm it but it just works for like 30 minutes. Sorry if this might be disgusting for some of y'all but I really dont know what to do. I hurts like hell. Help.

    アレクサ March 8, 2021 10:06 pm

    Use a heat pad? I personally put a heat pack on my lower back because it soothes the pain in my (Idontknowwhatyoucallit)

    Kuroqui March 8, 2021 10:06 pm

    drink hot water, use a heating pad, sit propped or lay down (i forgot which one it is), avoid cold food/drinks, massage your stomach, take a nap, meditate

    Plakountas March 8, 2021 10:13 pm

    Honestly don’t know if you’ll like this recommendation but... exercise...? I know it’s like ew no but it actually works. But if not just use a heating pad. And if you don’t have that take an extra thick winter sock (or use two socks) and put rice in it and tie it. And then heat it up in the microwave 30 seconds each side. Make sure to put a mug of water tho because if not your sock(s) will burn.

    Naja March 8, 2021 10:30 pm

    I drank some kind of tea, and now I only have period for two days. Idk what the tea is called tho, my mother brought it from China

    Oh no March 8, 2021 10:34 pm

    I'll second the exercise and heating pad! I also suffer from extremely bad cramps and nothing helps me except a heating pad but usually I just have to force myself to go to sleep it's that bad. Make sure you keep your fluid intake up and dont skip ANY meals, I know it's hard to eat sometimes with really bad cramps but you need to keep your energy and iron levels up because you lose a lot from the blood. If you dont balance your iron intake w what's being lost it can cause iron deficiency anemia which will make you feel even more drained

    Plakountas March 9, 2021 6:17 am

    I just imagine a random guy reading this like, “WTF why are they having this conversation here?”

    Plakountas March 9, 2021 6:20 am

    Also, what pills are you taking and how many? Because if it’s really bad it would be okay to take up to three pills of Advil/ibuprofen (since it also helps with inflammation). And I’d understand if you don’t trust my word, but I’m just saying since my mother works in the medical field and I feel like I can trust her word on it