Wtf I think u don't understand ,no body is getting off of any one or any sexuality,it's just that when u see something romantic and exciting whether between normal/gay/lesbian or any type of couples ,ppl feel tingling sensation that often makes them wet down there (which she is referring to as it can be quiet a hassle during periods) it's not like they org*** or something it's just little physiological response to stimuli and I m quite sure almost every one feels flushed , shivers and hot all over after reading something like this cause it's natural and if u don't then I guess u have sensitivity probs

1. No need to be agressive
2. You don't know what they mean. They could also mean that it's annoying to finger yourself while on period.
3. Even if you're right, if they don't orgasm it's fine? I couldn't care less about what people feel but commenting that you're wet like this is the only thing you have to say after reading 3-4 chapters is encouraging to see gay relationships as sexual object and it doesn't sit right with me.
3. You really used "Normal" as opposed to "gay/lesbian" do we really have to keep discussing? You're saying that not feeling anything about sex scenes means having a problem? To you, being asexual is a problem? I think (and I hope) you didn't mean it that way but it shows that you need to educate yourself.

Just what the heck is happening. I just shared that i have my period and i dont want my abdomen to hurt. You guys chill. And fyi im not fingering omygod pls calm down. Believe it or not im just on my period. does my comment a misunderstanding? If yes then im really sorry. Its not that its bad to masturbate but guys chill.

Dude LISTEN I'll tell in UR WAY
1 i was not being aggressive at all idk how old u r but I think that's the normal way of talking and there's no way I could have known that u don't like it ok
2 I was explaining what I meant by the ch causing probs when I m on periods
3 NOW idk whether u love to play on words but it won't work on me ,for the "normal" word explanation -i merely used it to just point at the straight couples that is girl and boy couple cause I thought you'd understand it and u should think twice before coming at me who 's been reading yaoi for so long I totally support ever sex /gender infact I SUPPORT EVERY HUMAN BEING If they r genuine ppl cause that's the only criteria for me SO IF THEY R GOOD PPL I don't give a fucking damn about gender or whatever
4 for ur pretty understand what I was saying is that when u see a Romantic movie and then when the love making scenes come usually ppl feel something cause it's a bit arousing and every one feels it cause it's a normal response it has nothing to do with ANY SEXUALITY cause I feel it either way whether straight couple or gay so stop using"sexualizing gay/lesbian" cause when ppl feel the same from straight couple have u ever said "sexualizing straight ppl" no right? And LASTLY liking yaoi genre or those scenes doesn't mean I " fetishize or sexualize gays " cause I like shoujo genre too and there r many straight couple's making out scenes I like so u should also better start saying that I "sexualize straight couple" too , there is this similar thing with Wattpad stories too which I m sick and tired of when some writes a function on their fav straight couple from a drama then it's acceptable but if some one writes a function about their fav gay couple from drama then ppl LIKE U r like omg they r sexualizing gay ,so I think it's u who needs to educate ur self about what sexualizing gay really is and stop pissing off ppl with ur hypocritical and conventional views

Ikr it's not bad to masturbate to ANT TYPE of sex if it's arousing enough for u but some hypocrite ppl just love to deny it when it involves minorities just to look righteous and ideal in people's eye even when there's nothing wrong in it ,there r just desperate for respect which they ain't getting bruh whatever I DON'T CARE IF SOMEONE GETS OFF OF STRAIGHT OR GAY COUPLE CAUSE IT AIN'T SEXUALIZING THEM AT ALL AND IF IT IS FOR SOME PPL THEN THEY BETTER BECOME MONKS AND PRAY DAY/NIGHT FOR MOKSHA AND ENLIGHTENMENT IDFC!!

1. I am adult but I don't know what age has to do with that. I stated an opinion and you came at me starting by wtf and telling me that I have sensitivity problems. If that's the normal way for you to talk to people well I'm sorry for the people you talk to haha
2. I'm okay with that I just wasn't sure about what op meant
3. I just pointed a mistake in your vocabulary. You used the adjective "normal" to talk about straight relationships implying that other sexualities are not normal. Like I said before and from you reaction, I got that it wasn't what you meant but you should be careful with the use of your words. My point was just to help you express yourself correctly on issues that matter. I'm not playing with words I'm dead serious about that.
Btw reading yaoi doesn't make you educated about the LGBTQA+ community and doesn't prevent you for having harmful behaviors but that's another discussion.
4. "when the love making scenes come usually ppl feel something cause it's a bit arousing and every one feels it cause it's a normal response it has nothing to do with ANY SEXUALITY" If you're asexual you usually don't feel sexual desire so you tend not to feel aroused by sexual scenes. Asexuality being a sexuality it has something to do with sexuality. And again, if being aroused in a sex scene is the "normal" response, being asexual isn't normal? The word "normal" has a deep meaning so be careful when you're using it because it makes you implying things you don't want to imply.
Sexualizing a couple is not the same when it's a straight couple and a gay couple because one is a minority and the other is not. It also depends of your sexuality. Sometimes, straight people write about gay people in an offensive way and sexualize gay men.
I think my opinion wasn't clear enough. I'm fine with straight people reading and writing about gay people. You can be interested in the dynamics in a gay couple, the issues they face etc. But I find it problematic when people are overly interested in the sexual aspect of the relationship and/or occasionally get off using it. To me, that's sexualizing gay people but if you don't agree with me on that point I'm willing to hear your opinion. With that in mind, I strongly disagree with most of the comments in the comment section focusing on sexual aspects rather than the atmosphere, the charisma of the characters and the incredible plot Jaxx is giving us.
And it's not directly addressed to me but: "it's not bad to masturbate to ANT TYPE of sex if it's arousing enough". In fact, it is, that's my point. Many gay guys expressed themselves as being uncomfortable about straight girls masturbating to their sexuality. If you support that kind of behaviors and, at the same time, claim that you support gay people I don't think you can call me a hypocrite :)
If you're pissed off, well, it's your problem, not mine. If you want, we can stop discussing about it. Else, maybe we could take it to the dm or stay here I'm fine with anything.

(Breathe)....ok so let me say this again I SUPPORT BOTH GAY OR STRAIGHT infact any gender and u using that they r minority as a justification is itself discriminating cause I think continuous pointing that someone is minority or different from the crowd is like u view them differently and choose to be too polite and careful as if they r vulnerable! I think this is disrespectful to both gay and straight cause it shows u r being more sympathetic towards gay cause they have been through a lot and I know for sure no body would ever like that type of pathetic sympathy cause it points u r weak and can't support urself also it would be unfair from a straight person's point of view just like the black Americans and women having more rights then others cause they had it too tough in the past and I AS A WOMAN DON'T SUPPORT IT I m sure other ppl under this category would feel the same if they have self esteem and dignity
So I hope i made myself clear that I SEE BOTH GAY / STRAIGHT /EVERY HUMAN EQUALLY if they r genuine ppl so me feeling aroused to EITHER OF THEM has nothing to do with me supporting them cause I don't point them into categories and then decide my reaction to each of them differently cause I hope u realise it's a discrimination in itself AND also u said that someone gay ppl saying they feel uncomfortable about girls getting off of then the let me tell since it seems u r only too concerned about their feelings ,straight ppl have the right to say the same that they r uncomfortable about girls getting off of them or boy getting of straight girls ok so STOP DIVIDING THEM IN TWO BLOCK IF U EVER WANT TO TREAT THEM EQUALLY that's why I called u a hypocrite cause u tend to support the smaller section so much that u even don't mind stepping on the other section as if u have an inclination to be viewed as respectable and ideal person from everyone meh ! Where as I ,I absolutely don't believe in DIVIDING them cause I view them EQUALLY so I'll use same tone towards all the sections ,I don't become different neither towards someone once vulnerable nor towards strong cause I believe in treating EQUALLY
And also I believe almost every one has natural physical response towards ANY GENDER'S romantic scenes ,and there is nothing to be embarassed ashamed about it and firstly I started this discussion for the ppl who have these type of urges not for the asexual ppl who don't have it ,I never even mentioned them ,I was defending those who feel this but r guilty to admit it so it isn't even related to asexual ppl so I don't see ur point of dragging what is OPPOSITE to what the discussion is started for bruh it's like someone is talking about non vegetarian(sexual) and then u started talking about vegetarian (asexual)just cause non veg comes under food (sexuality) even tho it completely opposite of the discussion happening initially so lastly yes I feel things like tingles ,hot on neck and butterflies in stomach in any type/gender of romantic scene and I know many ppl feel the same too but if u r too much of a saint to admit it well then suit urself and also I know many even feel like masturbating to their fav movie/manga / manhwa/anime or whatever's romantic scene imaging themselves as one of them and this has absolutely nothing to do this gender or your support for them cause yeah I can get off of any type of couple or ppl so what u think it's a sin ? A fucking heinous crime ? BUT U KNOW WHAT I AIN'T A SAINT LIKE U SO HELL YA cause I ain't hurting anyone or causing problems to anyone and many ppl do so if they feel attraction towards the other person ,if u r an adult u would know about this ,SO YEA I M A HUMAN WHO CAN FEEL ATTRACTION TOWARDS ANYONE SO IN UR LANGUAGE I M FUCKING SEXUALIZING THE ENTIRE DAMN WORLD and I ain't a fucking coward to deny this and I m not guilty either cause I m not even hurting a fly by doing so ,so I ain't causing trouble to anyone but still if u have got a problem with it then it's ur damn problem cause unlike some ppl I prefer to be my myself rather then stating only what will bring admiration from ppl and anyway there is nothing wrong with it cause it ain't hurting a single soul and I ain't WANNA-BE -GOD-SAINT who loves to preach ,I m a HUMAN who's stating raw facts

Oh please make sentences and express yourself clearly. I will try to understand what you said don't hesitate to correct me if I'm wrong.
I never said you're not supporting anyone.
I never said I'm a saint or you're committing a sin. I'm explaining to you why I disagree with your opinion. There is no judgment from me toward you. I don't know you I'm no one to judge you or your decisions. You're getting really defensive and taking things way to personally when I'm attacking your opinion, not you as person. You're stating opinions and not facts btw.
I think you're saying that I do positive discrimination which is favoring a group of people because they're a minority. It's true but it doesn't mean I am dividing people are thinking that not everyone is equal. I just think they're not in equal conditions. In fact, I think that in order to treat people the same way, they have to be on the same starting line. However, when you're in the majority, you have a privilege, you're already favored by society. Positive discrimination helps to rebalance and make society more equal. I am not stepping on another groups, could you develop that point?
I'll use your example to illustrate my point. However, I'm not American and I'm not a specialist in American politics I'm currently learning about it. Black people are a minority in the US and when you're black, you have more chances to be born in poor conditions like a poor neighborhood for example. You'll have less access to culture, resources... You'll have less chances to make it into college as opposed to white kids. I am not sure if black people have more "rights" I'm letting you off the hook with the misuse of this word haha. But I guess they have aids in order to give them the means to reach the same goals as white people. It's not about them being weak it's because they're most likely to live in poor conditions. Look for data if you're not convinced.
In short, individuals are equal but society is not. Now getting back to our discussion. Straight people have the privilege of being part of the majority whereas the LGBTQA+ community is a minority and as a consequence, face more discrimination than straight people. I'm sure you're aware that sating "straight people are discriminated too" is not a valid answer. For gay people, one of the discrimination is having their sexuality being used as a mean to get off, as a sexual object, as a fantasy by straight people. This is a harmful behavior even if you're not ill-intentioned. Sorry to break it to you but you're hurting people. Acknowledging mistakes doesn't make you a coward or doesn't mean you're less yourself.
Then, you're saying that I act like a knight in shining armor by thinking they're vulnerable, weak and need my help. Supporting a group you don't belong to is called being an ally. Allies can intervene and call out people on harmful behavior.
The difference between an ally and a knight in shining armor is their mindset. I think I explained my reasons to you just above and it's pretty clear that I don't feel any kind of superiority towards gay people. My motivation are not self-centered, I don't want admiration or congratulations.
And about the fact that people don't want what you call a "pathetic sympathy" well I am wary of how people would perceive my actions as you an see here: http://www.mangago.zone/thing/about/324428/ too bad the only person who answered got their account deleted. I have no other proof but I shared these questions on my other social medias and to my friends and what I'm telling you is actually supported by them. It's okay if you don't believe me tbh.
Finally I think you lost track of the discussion on asexuality. I mentioned asexuality because you said in the very beginning that not feeling anything on sex scenes means that I have "sensitivity probs" implying that being asexual (who tend not to feel sexual desire) is a problem. Again, even if it was not what it means it was offensive and I just wanted to make you see it. On the contrary, I've never said it's wrong to feel something while reading a sex scene or to masturbate in general. My problem is when straight people are masturbating using gay people's sexuality. Hope it's clear for you now.
Now that you've read everything and you're about to reply if you didn't gave up halfway take a moment to breathe and try making points, not writing an angry paragraph.

Idk u personally too but one thing I have realised about u is that u only intend to speak what is considered most ideal/modest under max ppl's point of view almost shadowing the truth , and I wrote pretty clearly for any one to understand I don't really get why u have understanding issues ,u said I m getting "defensive"cause u attacked my opinion,well allow me to tell u it looks like I attacked ur pretty opinion too much that u have come to the point to even think it like that ,and seems like u r under the impression that ur way of writing is pretty decisive which clearly ain't the case ,and I was stating FACTS about my self and other ppl as well ,it's not MERELY An opinion it's the TRUTH the ppl do get off of any SEXUALITY or was it too startling for ur innocent mind to take it as just an opinion? Lol
And miss shouldn't u atleast know about or do more search about the issue cause it seems there is an issue here ,what I meant by more rights is RESERVATIONS I m sure u must be knowing this aleast , so this reservation is an extra privilege provided to the minor grow that were looked down upon back in days ,to uplift them and bring them on the same level and this prevalent in quite some countries like India,so the thing is even now when the society doesn't discriminate against them and even when the families belonging to those minority groups r financially well off EVEN THEN this extra privilege is valid for them but not for poor family that doesn't come under minority ,if they ain't under that grp then they won't be given help no matter what ,also this reservation is like an eassy way for all the children under that minority,(who r viewed equal individually) to get into prestigious college/ jobs even if they r not capable enough (mind it mostly they even come from really well off family but just use it as weapon cause they r lazy asses) to fulfill the basic criteria required BUT just cause they r MINORITY , don't u think it's unfair for those who never discriminated and worked their ass off but still couldn't get selected cause they don't have reservations and worst part is it's not like the minorities studied under dire conditions or something ,they ALL did the same hard work under SAME conditions but still due to reservations the minority kids /adults r given preference cause there is a certain percentage of space especially allotted to them and if u think THIS IS NOT UNFAIR then this way I can Fully believe we can NEVER overcome discrimination cause even if they started on the same starting line, the once weaker grp even if they r not weak anymore were given more privilege then other grp don't u think it would cause rage in other grp ppl? Now to ur topic ,gays r being opening accepted in many countries,the intersex marriage/rights are being given in lot of countries so now we all see them equally and it's better we don't point them out as a grp to make them feel distant , gladly in present scenario in most of the places just cause they r different and less in no. doesn't take away any type of privilege nor being the majority provide any extra privilege also just how ignorant u have to be to think that gays don't discriminate against straight ppl ,u know they do it too in places especially meant for gays often they speak in spiteful way about straight cause back in days they were rendered rightless by the ancestors of same straight ppl right, so they have full right to take out their anger on them even when everyone is viewed equally right ?,so in short every grp is equally discriminating towards other grp if they happen to be in large no. ,Is this what is called the feeling of oneness towards ur own kind ? Idk but I personally wish to eliminate this type of attitude cause I hate it to my core I wish to see every one equally and make every type of grp to see others equally as well cause that's how u over come discrimination ,not by providing reservation which works as a bait to infuriate the other grps
Also "this is a harmful behaviour even if ur not Ill intended" and " accepting ur mistakes doesn't make u a coward" god are ur these lines even relevant like what ?! Did I write the previous comment for like nothing cause it seems like u didn't get anything , I CLEARLY said that using any romantic scene from any sexuality as getting off Material doesn't hurt anyone as it's for u alone then how is it a harmful behaviour huh? Oh right I forgot for u then even thinking about the person u feel attraction for while getting off is also a crime right ? "harmful behaviour" right? And bruh what ya mean by mistake? U kidding me I even vividly said I DON'T see anything offensive in feeling aroused from those scenes SO UNLIKE MANY PPL I AIN'T A COWARD TO HIDE IT OR FEEL GUILTY ABOUT so can u kindly explain where THE fuck" mistake" come from? Dude jokes on u ,u really r pretty off topic sometimes hahhahaaa
" Straight ppl using gay ppl's sexuality" if u r broad minded enough to think this have u ever thought it in other way round ,gay ppl using straight ppl's sexuality ? It is true too but oh cause straight r majority so it's all right , right? They don't have the right to feel uncomfortable right ? Then it's not like sexualizing straight right? But if someone uses gay ppl to get off then THAT'S the most disrespectful and offensive thing huh ? Oh some one dare to sexualize gay huh? And cause they r minority so it's a heinous crime right ? And dude that is why I SAID that neither grp should get offended by this using minority and majority as the reason that's why I said GETTING OFF OF ANY SEXUALITY AIN'T OFFENSIVE cause u r hurting no one it's only for u ,u r not captivating that person in ur house as a hostage to provide urself a getting off Material ,u just read it or think about it that's it ,THAT'S IT , getting off has nothing to do with fetishizing or sexualizing in this case cause no body is fucking stalking or troubling any other person it's just some thing u do it on ur own ,alone
Now I HOPE it's clear to u , I won't hesitate to put forward what I really believe in if I know I m not causing any offense cause unlike u I don't feel satisfied with public acclaim so I don't chew my words or mutate my opinion to make it look ppl -friendly and I believe in equality for all types of grp not for just one specific minority to win acceptance from it ,ur answers just give me the vibes as if u caution ur self to write only what will be generally accepted by the minor grp u r writing about ,even ignoring the rights and hardships of other groups where as I ,I REALLY TRULY AND WHOLEHEARTEDLY BELIEVE IN VIEWING EVERY GRP UNDER THE SAME LIGHT and I m not hesitant to point at flaws of each of them and oh don't start again on they r not on the same footing blah ,cause in the places where gays have been given same rights and privileges I m sure ppl like u would still show different extra supporting polite attitude towards them which according to me is like pointing out every time they r out of crowd THAT .IS .WHY STOP .DIVIDING ,they all r humans and now in present scenario when they have got the same human rights so that is it for me no more majority or minority I m going to treat both the same ,on one can tell me otherwise cause that's how u end discrimination by no longer being neither extra considerate nor extra violent towards one specific grp
Hope u understand,I'd like to get ur response to this comment cause I m curious about ur answer but more than it i'd like to discontinue this discussion cause it's almost leading both of us no where and I haven't got alot of leisurely time to write long ass easy to keep on explaining when there is a little probability that the other person would understand what I really mean to put forward

Ok I would like you to refrain yourself for stating childish judgment. Can you stop depicting me as an idiot craving for clout and validation? You can clearly see my motivations in my previous answer. You have to learn to make the difference between me as a person and my opinion. What I mean by you getting defensive is saying things like you're not a saint, you're not committing sin, you're not a coward, you're not guilty. You don't need to justify yourself that way because by disagreeing with you I'm not saying you're a bad person.
"I ain't hurting anyone or causing problems to anyone", "using that they r minority as a justification is itself discriminating", etc these are opinions. Not facts. And something being a fact doesn't make is right. "ppl do get off of any SEXUALITY" is not ok for me.
Again, I'm not from the US (or from India), I just took a course this semester about American politics so, I don't know everything about it. To me, reservations are places where native Americans live. But I'm not sure if that's what you want to mention because the living conditions seems to still be pretty bad. If you have more information about it, I would appreciate it.
The thing about positive discrimination is that it target a group. But groups are hard to define so sometimes, it gives help to people who don't really need it. But this is rare. This is negligible compared to the people who needs help and receive it. Again look for data. I'm also curious about the proportion of people who worked hard and didn't get into college but got their place taken by people who didn't work hard enough. Where is that from?
I think you're on the right-wing of the political spectrum. " all the children under that minority,(who r viewed equal individually) to get into prestigious college/ jobs even if they r not capable enough (mind it mostly they even come from really well off family but just use it as weapon cause they r lazy asses)". Most of the children from minority live in difficult conditions. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/unequal-opportunity-race-and-education/ I would like to know why do you think they're lazy? Being from a minority doesn't make you lazier than anyone.
I never said gay don't discriminate straight people. But this is no the same scale again. Discrimination against straight people is negligible. Gay people suffer discrimination in their everyday life in school, in their job, when they're looking for a place to live... There is still conversion therapy, it's hard to come out when you're family is not open-minded.
"nor being the majority provide any extra privilege" I'm sorry no. You are privileged by being straight. You're not discriminated against because of your sexuality, you don't risk to lose your family/friends because of your sexuality, you don't risk being send in a center. When you don't face these problems, you're privileged. Because the problem you have, gay people have them too + they have the problems I depicted. That's privilege.
For same-sex mariage, it's only legally performed and recognized in 29 countries. There is almost 200 countries in the world in total. So we're far from living in the same conditions.
"getting off Material doesn't hurt anyone" sorry if I wasn't clear enough but "having their sexuality being used as a mean to get off, as a sexual object, as a fantasy by straight people" this is harmful don't you think? You're reducing a whole sexuality to a kink. Do you get why it's wrong? If you're willing to give me the "it doesn't affect anyone" argument, this discussion already happen and here is an answer from a gay guy "When you say "it's just fiction, it doesn't affect reality", you don't get to make that claim that for everyone. The most you can say is it's not affecting YOUR reality, because it's literally not. At all. Which I'm more than happy for you that it's not, I really truly am. I and every other lgbt person on this site would love to say the same, believe me. But you don't get to decide for a completely different demographic of people what does and doesn't have real-life consequences for them. That is not your place, not your call to make."
I'm really curious about the proportion of LGBTQA+ consuming straight smut tbh. Again I don't think the scale is the same.
I write the way I write because to discuss with people I disagree I tend to avoid emotional register. I'm not chewing my words, I'm bringing a nuanced opinion. Acknowledging differences doesn't put people out of the crowd. Diversity and unity are not incompatible. You're blindly deluding yourself thinking that treating everyone equally will resolve discrimination when it will only increase inequality.
On a side note, telling me I have understanding issues when your answer was a mess of words and I tried to make sense of it bruh please have some self-respect.
Finally I'm not trying to convince you. I know I won't. I feel like you're a bit young haha. My goal is just to make you hear my arguments so that you would know that there are people disagreeing with you and that their opinion is as valid as yours. It's getting long so you're free not to answer haha.
PS: Commas and space between paragraph are good now use points please you're hard to read.
Pls dont upload the next chapter until my period is over LMFAO