Yeah, but Niannian is still your typical Shoujo-like female lead....he still loves Yansheng after all that. It's not very satisfying because Niannian didn't stand up for his own like being a bitch or what. Even with all that success, he suffered a lot of emotional damage and we all know whose who gonna fix him.
He even suffered depression when Yansheng finally let him go because (we all know) he just cause suffering for Niannian. Eventhough I want to drop the novel I have a habit of finishing what is finished so in the end I still read it until the end......
Yeah, a typical indeed. I wish Tang Shou is the ending. Oh well the author has his plans. But the uke has suffered so much that I think their relantionship has to stopped. They did divorce, but they are still the ending couple, which sucks. Being with Yansheng, the uke has suffered so much. Is his love for Yansheng is that big, that he can forgive Yansheng even though he is the cause of his suffering
Lol, I'm already tired betting for second MLs for as long as I first watch Romance Drama. I remember my 5-year old me betting for Jihoo for Jandi but Junpyo is still the end game. There's no reasoning out love, I'm still clueless at this age.
(As for Niannian, he loves Yansheng for 8 years and even stalk him and got involved to Yansheng's kidnapping and save him. He says about 'Never gonna love someone like this again' so yeah, this dude is already over-write. There's no breaking his bone.
In totality, the story is also quite messed up. There are few things you'll left behind with "Huh? What the heck?" and continue with your life.....
The fact that I'm just chillin by reading this chapter because I know Yansheng will get what he deserves feels extremely satisfying. Just seeing him wandering around Niannan aimlessly and stalking him after the divorce is a sight worth the wait. Niannan WILL change himself and the change is reaches our expectations. I can't wait until his real identity as WE gets out and he becomes famous. What I really can't wait to see is his healthy body and happy face.