long ass text lmao

mrxbee March 8, 2021 4:42 pm

okay so uh, I saw a lot of the 'jianyi leaving' comments and I was really confused so I went back to the manhua so I could give myself context!!!! pls feel free to correct me but the actual story starts chapter 50 but in chapter 45 we see zhan zhenxi talking abt jianyi disappearing the second day of highschool- now this is where it gets a little confusing bcs the author doesn't explain the chronological order at all. In the actual story, they're in their last year of middle school, which in China means they're 15(/16). So this means we have /yet/ to see what's going to happen when jianyi dissappears in highschool. In the chapters before the story starts (chapters 0-50), they're probably in high school since jian yi is almost always wearing the typical school uniform. What kind of confuses me is that zhen zhenxi acts reaaaaally different chapters 0-50 and his personality is much more aggressive than what is shown when they're in middle school. Also!!!!! In the story both zhan zhenxi and jianyi confess their feelings to each other and are aware that they're romantically bound (like when jianyi called xixi his man) but in the chapters prior to chapter 50 they don't act like a couple at all and just seem like very different characters :/ idk, maybe I'm just thinking too much!!!!!

    yaoilovingirl March 8, 2021 7:51 pm

    I think whats happening is that's chapters right now are of them in middle school leading up to the disappearance of Jianyi like a flash back

    cloud March 9, 2021 6:38 am

    interesting,, thank you!