I wanna find the manhwa that has gotta do with reincarnation and some dungeon thing. the ...

kekeke March 8, 2021 3:40 pm

I wanna find the manhwa that has gotta do with reincarnation and some dungeon thing.
the male mc got transported back or smth. but for the first part of the manhwa, the dude is just doing some stocks thing and never really dealt with the dungeon issue.
he just played with the stock and contacted a dude from wallstreet or smth. basically iirc, the manhwa only just started talking about the dungeons and before that it's all finance stuff.
I haven't seen an update in a while so I wanna check back but for the life of me. I don't rmb the name. :')

    kekeke May 11, 2021 5:38 am

    oops. forgot to reply incase anyone is following. it's called reincarnator.