Yes queen dont forgive them

Lalypop March 8, 2021 2:08 pm

Men im happy that she still thinks about what happened in her past life unlike someone who told her self that she would never fall inlove with the same person again but ended up with him in the 2nd life i even root to the red hair guy tsk

    callmejay April 12, 2021 6:20 am

    thank god we no longer have to read about her just because we invested too much and can finally conclude that she is actually an idiot and doesnt deserve the red head

    GotHumor April 24, 2021 8:51 pm

    Carsein will always be the best boi. He deserves better. I think he and Daddy Monique should have their own side stories

    ChuYang May 2, 2021 12:03 am
    Carsein will always be the best boi. He deserves better. I think he and Daddy Monique should have their own side stories GotHumor

    Allendis is because he wouldn't let his sh!t parents run all over her like Carsein would probably let his b**** mother do.

    ChuYang May 2, 2021 12:10 am
    thank god we no longer have to read about her just because we invested too much and can finally conclude that she is actually an idiot and doesnt deserve the red head callmejay

    Why are you equating non sh!tty people with sh!tty people and expecting to get different storylines when you're doing the exact same thing that leads authors to create these kinds of stories in the first place? Aka... victim blaming?

    MangaIsLife May 2, 2021 2:06 am

    Eh am I reading the wrong manhwa/hua? What is tomato vs blueberry thread doing here? (≧∀≦)

    Ribonne May 10, 2021 8:07 am
    Allendis is because he wouldn't let his sh!t parents run all over her like Carsein would probably let his b**** mother do. ChuYang

    Allendis 4 LIFEE

    Ribonne May 10, 2021 8:08 am

    Ahhh I also use men in sentences

    YourSeungHoe July 2, 2021 4:38 pm
    Carsein will always be the best boi. He deserves better. I think he and Daddy Monique should have their own side stories GotHumor

    This. Unfortunately I stopped reading that shit when tia starts fighting with jieun cause I just couldn't accept the fact my Bibi boy carsein would end up broken hearted. I don't have the courage to see my cutiepies facial reaction . Huhuhu I hate it sop much

    ChuYang July 2, 2021 8:00 pm
    Allendis 4 LIFEE Ribonne

    Indeed! I hate most green hairs so that's definitely not why I prefer him btw. I'm not even really a big fan of Art the ML from Pet of the Antagonist. And the green hair I loathe the most is probably Peacock from Beware Of The Villainess.

    Ribonne July 3, 2021 12:00 am

    YESS I TOTALLY GET YOU green hair is mostly not the sign of a ml. BUT ALLENDIS
    I can look past that, he’s just so sweet and he was willing to be with her and he just had to be the ml

    ChuYang July 3, 2021 12:09 am
    YESS I TOTALLY GET YOU green hair is mostly not the sign of a ml. BUT ALLENDISI can look past that, he’s just so sweet and he was willing to be with her and he just had to be the ml Ribonne

    He didn't act all cocky with her when he first met after he got to know who she was like Carsein did, either. Yes Allendis has yandere traits. But his yandere traits are far more explainable than Ruve's actions in Tia's past life. Ruve's behavior is purely offensive. Allendis appears, in my opinion, to have developed yandere traits as a defensive mechanism.

    Ribonne July 3, 2021 12:15 am

    Well yandere traits was what I also liked about him because he wasn’t really willing to act on them for her sake. Ruve on the other hand… you just don’t do those things even in drugs. Drugs almost reveal who you could be in the inside and Ruve is just that a monster who cares for nothing. Even if in this life he’s sane anything could cause him to divert into that hole and mistreat tia again

    ChuYang July 3, 2021 12:29 am
    Well yandere traits was what I also liked about him because he wasn’t really willing to act on them for her sake. Ruve on the other hand… you just don’t do those things even in drugs. Drugs almost reveal ... Ribonne

    A-are you... me? Everything you just said is exactly why I prefer Allendis to Ruve! You are exactly right! Allendis did try to keep his yandere traits in check for Tia's sake. Plus I am always one who brings up the point that just because an ML like Ruve changed on the outside it does not mean he changed on the inside, that holds true for external influences like drugs and mental illness that expose their true nature and external influences like people around you changing that lead them to conceal their true natures again.

    Ribonne July 3, 2021 1:06 am

    Omg omg omgggg so true! I mean it’s like you just don’t change unless something makes you. Like in those redeemed ml who go to the past? Ok they are “changing” but they are them inside, just that they don’t show it to the fl. they can be cold and totally psychotic. I love them because I like watching them struggle with the pain of having harmed the fl

    ChuYang July 3, 2021 6:42 am
    Omg omg omgggg so true! I mean it’s like you just don’t change unless something makes you. Like in those redeemed ml who go to the past? Ok they are “changing” but they are them inside, just that they ... Ribonne

    Yesssss!!!!!!!! Tbh I'm a liiiittle bit (okay. I lied. A LOT) sadistic to MLs who harm the FLs. In that case I'm happy to observe them whenever they're in pain for whatever the reason, as long as their being in pain is related somehow to the FL themselves.