kyoko i love you

Valkyrie February 22, 2016 1:40 pm

Moko is the ninja and Ren is the samurai? Note the previous chapters where he was dressed as one on some movie set. I'm guessing Hiou called for Kyoko because he was worried Moko fell in love with Ren? (He caught Moko staring at Ren while she was thinking about the Kyoko issue).

I absolutely love this chapter, it was so precious. Kyoko was very mature and finally she dealt with the issue of her mother.

    CrystalAris February 22, 2016 3:30 pm

    this is the role theagency got for moko right? so maybe this person wants moko to take care of her then this person will hurt moko and try to take her job back. Or she didn't know moko was part of Love Me section, and just wants to ge revenge, but I think Kyoko just might terify the customer... this might get tricky, hope Kyoko plays it smart.

    Also i didn't know the drama would be with Ren ><. this manga is still on the climb ^^ ... - -' ... ^^ oh well and the Beat goes on ^^