Uhm but then why did he say smthing like, “when are you gonna stop saying words I don’...

[email protected] March 7, 2021 7:43 am

Uhm but then why did he say smthing like, “when are you gonna stop saying words I don’t understand” last time he spoke Korean??? What’s his deal?? Is this daiki a secret evil twin? Is that why we don’t see the leopard spots?????

    Popbampop March 7, 2021 8:02 am

    lol idk why the author or translator removed the spots but Daiki is like 'korean' but he doesn't understand the slang and most curse words that minjoon uses. Its like imagine your grandparents are korean but you live in japan and your parents are japanese, so you know the basics language but not really...(The translation of this chapter is super off but Minjoon actually calls Daiki a 'stubbon asshole'...he doesn't say 'leopard tattoo'...most of the dialogues in the translation are made up lmao)

    Popbampop March 7, 2021 8:04 am

    Here's a better translation of the chapter and the prev chap

    Ario March 7, 2021 8:16 am
    Here's a better translation of the chapter and the prev chaphttps://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=116838280420632&id=100062833805079 Popbampop

    Thank you!