There is this one part in KH2 near the end when the player gets to control Riku because Xe...

~Celestine Xelx~ November 21, 2012 1:27 am

There is this one part in KH2 near the end when the player gets to control Riku because Xemnas is holding Sora captive. My friend was watching me play.
So I was running over to help Sora and we both realize that it's hard to control the guy. LIKE HE RUNS WEIRD-LIKE. I'm getting agitated and I suddenly yell: "SERIOUSLY RIKU??!! YER LOVER IS OVER THERE POSSIBLY DYING AND YER JOGGING!!!!!"
My friend starting cracking up :3
Whats even more funny is that when her boyfriend came over one time we kept saying "oh Riku and Sora are lovers" or "they're gay for each other" He didn't believe us so I played the ending for him and when he saw them sitting beside each other in the dark realm talking to each other about how they affected one another's life he was all like: -_- "yup...they're gay..." XD

    Mirage January 25, 2014 7:36 pm

    whoaa me too...remember when he met kairi he was like "friend...long time no see" and got akward moment (it's cute tho), but when he knew riku's real identity he was crying, that's the first time ever I shipped them the most first >_<b