Why ya blame the detectives like it's his fault? Like he's just doing his job not because ...

Lilith March 7, 2021 3:18 am

Why ya blame the detectives like it's his fault? Like he's just doing his job not because he cares. Also, he did kind of abandon that last dude and just let him die. He never ONCE said that he cared about their lives, he was just doing his job.

    hotAndSourCabbage June 19, 2021 2:17 pm

    yeah, it's their job to prevent a murder, or in other words any crime, to happen. To be honest, the polices here are actually quite...humane. They're not a group of self rigtheous polices in other revenge manga, who are so naive, and think everyone are good little boys. They're competent in doing their job really, from arresting the 3 suspects, even when they're tracking down the present crime.