Should we ban straight ppl from this site ✋😞

Alinejf March 7, 2021 1:38 am

Should we ban straight ppl from this site

    kayokayyy March 7, 2021 6:59 am

    yeah <3

    namja March 7, 2021 8:32 am

    what did we do so wrong is it our fault this exists

    namja March 7, 2021 5:14 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! UDontNeedToKnowWho

    ...a kick on the crotch for what? And a reality check on what? I've never really seen a straight person on this site say anything rude towards gay people. And I'm pretty sure most of the people on this site arent homophobic or misogynistic, maybe rude (like typical arguments)and uncultured but that's it. And I won't deny there's young audiences who just say dumb shit

    This is literally a manga site and the main thing I don't get is why people are associating a shitty het manhwa with straight people while upraising yaoi ¯_(ツ)_/¯ since yaoi is mainly written by straight women. Sexuality has literally nothing to do with the overall quality of the manhwa itself I've seen shitty straight stuff and shitty gay stuff

    Alinejf March 8, 2021 12:28 pm

    Omg guys hahahahah, chill. It was purely a joke and I'm sorry if you're offended. Normally we say straight here but we are mainly thinking about straight GUYS who treats and represents women as an object. This was not a personal attack or a way to offend certain group. As a straight person myself I just thought it would be funny because I never actually found a straight pwp manga that was good or didn't disrespect any gender, it's always so offensive... Besides, I'm not here to say yaoi, gl or whatever is better than anything else, they can also be REALLY bad, but, according to my own experience, het mangas (mainly the ones made by straight men) tend to be so indirectly offensive to a point it bothers people, starting with the way the female carachters are written and ending with over sexualization (every fucking time). Sometimes I can't take it. I apologize again.