I've cried so much reading this but I still think it's not that good. Where I could relat...

Laden March 6, 2021 10:25 pm

I've cried so much reading this but I still think it's not that good.
Where I could relate to Jun (not the cheating/affair) and the part with Mr. Farenheit just broke me I hated how after outing him and driving him to suicide this asshole guy still had something to say (let's not kid ourselves he was the main perpetrator) and then with just one half assed apology forgiven? To top it all off the author (who is a gay man so like?) for some reason tires to convince us that fujoshis are just as oppressed as gay people??? What?
Weirdly I'm not as mad about the pedophilia (the incest was so unnecessary) and please don't get me wrong it's disgusting and in no way I think it's ok but I've seen people say this manga promotes it and it clearly doesn't. I just wish that part with Makoto was done better because pedophilia/grooming/extremely big age gaps are still a huge problem in lgbtq community and addressing it could do some good.
Also I saw some people use fetishization here...GUYS PLEASE LEARN WHAT THE WORD LIKE THAT ACTUALLY MEANS BEFORE USING IT when you misuse it the word loses all it's meaning and then it's harder to call out people who actually do that.

    nunyabusiness March 6, 2021 10:28 pm

    yeah even before reading it I was like the struggles of a closet gay person and a closet fujoshi is not even comparable lmao