I realized

Psychnerd March 6, 2021 5:02 pm

Ok to make it simply Taran boy + Taran girl =Taran boy
Taran boy + random women = Taran girl.
Damien is a Taran boy meaning the dead brother must of woo-hoo with his half sister. That fucked me up. That's gross. Even the Duke knows how fucked up this tradition is. Phillip needs to quit with preserving the bloodline like bro this is not right. It's immoral and gross. There's no benefit for keeping pure bloodline. They don't have magical gifts anymore and the Taran status is fine without fucking incest.

    batsu March 7, 2021 4:46 am

    It's actually his cousin and No his bro didn't know that he fucked his own cousin.

    Psychnerd March 7, 2021 5:30 am
    It's actually his cousin and No his bro didn't know that he fucked his own cousin. batsu

    Did it say that? Maybe I was too focus on how they actually woo-hoo their half siblings. I remember particularly on half siblings.

    MoonStalker March 7, 2021 11:06 am
    It's actually his cousin and No his bro didn't know that he fucked his own cousin. batsu

    If my memory right, his bro did fuck his half-sister but they dont know they related. She one of experiment girls that Philp made and manage to run away and meet the bro after he got throw away because he is sick

    lalamichan March 8, 2021 12:33 am
    If my memory right, his bro did fuck his half-sister but they dont know they related. She one of experiment girls that Philp made and manage to run away and meet the bro after he got throw away because he is si... MoonStalker

    It's their weak bodied cousin. After giving birth to Damian, she died. Hue's brother namely Hugo, didn't know that she's their cousin. It was love at first sight, the novel said.