VIRO March 6, 2021 12:34 pm

Tf Im sooo angry . It's not like it's eunyongs fault for people praising him . What the hell do you want from him gosh he is so pathetic and shameless get run over by a car pls

    VIRO March 6, 2021 12:37 pm

    Not to mention eun. even sais that , why are people always using me ? Like he is also the victim here , not to mention that old fucker . Soohyun get ur shit together pathetic

    jae March 6, 2021 1:56 pm
    Not to mention eun. even sais that , why are people always using me ? Like he is also the victim here , not to mention that old fucker . Soohyun get ur shit together pathetic VIRO

    okay i do partially agree with what youre saying but thinking about it from soohyun’s pov he really had so much shit when always being compared to eun. im not justifying soohyun’s actions but in this story soohyun’s past does matter a lot and it can be really shitty to always be compared to someone else no matter how hard you try. also i do feel bad for eunsung but dont forget that he r*ped soohyun in one of the earlier chapters and nothing should justify r*ping another person.

    Koyoko March 6, 2021 4:13 pm
    okay i do partially agree with what youre saying but thinking about it from soohyun’s pov he really had so much shit when always being compared to eun. im not justifying soohyun’s actions but in this story ... jae

    all the shit he got surely wasn't eunsung's fault to begin with, the rape of course was awful and unforgivable, but what soohyun did was just as bad, and i don't think he gets a free "victim" pass for what eunsung did to him, i don't think i will ever feel sorry for him. He is an horrible person and eunsung, for forcing himself on someone else, is awful too.
    But probably in the end i will forgive them both and hope they get a happy ending because this is yaoi and that's how it works ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    jae March 6, 2021 5:10 pm
    all the shit he got surely wasn't eunsung's fault to begin with, the rape of course was awful and unforgivable, but what soohyun did was just as bad, and i don't think he gets a free "victim" pass for what euns... Koyoko

    yeah thats what im trying to say too actually, this story is supposed to be fucked up, the main characters too. i definitely wasnt defending soohyun either. eunsung went through shit but hes also a terrible person... itll be interesting to see how their relationship develops and see whatll happen if they start working together without being assholes to each other all the time

    Koyoko March 7, 2021 12:18 am
    yeah thats what im trying to say too actually, this story is supposed to be fucked up, the main characters too. i definitely wasnt defending soohyun either. eunsung went through shit but hes also a terrible per... jae

    yeahh i hope it ends ike thaatt. Meanwhile i think we'll suffer a lot tho (⌒▽⌒)

    jae March 7, 2021 12:26 am
    yeahh i hope it ends ike thaatt. Meanwhile i think we'll suffer a lot tho (⌒▽⌒) Koyoko

    unfortunately ( ̄へ ̄)