Made me cry:
These made me feel so empty:
if you want to get fucked up in your heart I highly recommend
this one right here had me bowling for hours, sometimes just on the inside, and yet I read the whole thing in one sitting, well, the part that was translated at the time.
Just warning, it's REALLY tough shit.
I got several, but they won't be the 'fluffy, sweet, emotional' kind, they'll be more of 'psychological and depressing,' if you're ok with reading that literally the saddest manga I've read. It's a one shot but it's amazing one of my favourite mangas, it has a tragic, sad end this isn't actually sad(yet), but it's definitely psychological manhwa, it's sweet and emotional, but has a happy ending another one shot. Somewhat sad, but very beautiful the mood in this is pretty depressing but I love it
of the kuroneko series, i teared up at amaekata. that story tore my heart. the rest of the series got an okay drama for me. so here's my collection of manga that made me cry somewhat
"Itou-san" by Kurara Sui. RIPPED MY F'ING HEART APART!! But it was still 1 of The Most Beautiful Unforgettable Reads of My Life. Also, some of the major tearjerkers from here -
A manga that made you sob too much?? Any genre is fine ♡
Dammit Kuroneko sequel new chapter made me emotional (/TДT)/