Go get your family emperor !!!!!

Fujoshi_Panda March 6, 2021 8:16 am

Go get your family emperor !!!!!

    Sakuraruu March 6, 2021 8:42 am

    ???? Nah... they don’t need the emperor...

    GamerDoll March 6, 2021 11:15 am
    ???? Nah... they don’t need the emperor... Sakuraruu


    Fujoshi_Panda March 6, 2021 12:34 pm

    Uh...yeah they do...being a single mother is not it....plus he loves her soo like I said...go get your family emperor!!

    Sekkin March 6, 2021 2:48 pm
    Uh...yeah they do...being a single mother is not it....plus he loves her soo like I said...go get your family emperor!! Fujoshi_Panda

    If she has nightmares of the emperor and how he's so possessive about her, its better for her to stay single with her children or search for another man who she'll love.

    Fujoshi_Panda March 6, 2021 3:25 pm

    She loves him he loves her...they are both stupid and do not communicate ..typical plot... It will end happily...emperor go get your family boo!!!

    Anime_lover March 6, 2021 6:06 pm
    Uh...yeah they do...being a single mother is not it....plus he loves her soo like I said...go get your family emperor!! Fujoshi_Panda

    love is a stretch, he wants her like a trophy.

    Fujoshi_Panda March 6, 2021 6:54 pm

    How can yall not see how this is gonna end ..... He's Gonna go get his fam, then conflict conflict, then I am sorry, then I love you, then happy ever after.

    LaNansha March 6, 2021 11:40 pm
    love is a stretch, he wants her like a trophy. Anime_lover

    The guy who explained to her how the dream stuff works pretty much confirmed it though

    LaNansha March 6, 2021 11:41 pm
    ???? Nah... they don’t need the emperor... Sakuraruu

    Even if SHE didn’t, her kids still would. Every kid deserve to have both their parents in their lives.

    Anime_lover March 7, 2021 12:11 am
    The guy who explained to her how the dream stuff works pretty much confirmed it though LaNansha

    Yes but its like an obsessive type not like I want you to be with me so we can be happy. Its kind of like Sangwoo break your ankles type, I think. At least based on spoilers. ANd the fact that he seems batshit crazy I ain't even gonna lie. Would you want a psycho dad that may or may not have threatened you and your mom's life?? Even if he didn't mean it like that, they're going to be bastard children (you know how badly they're treated) since she wasn't married to him when they were conceived and being empress isn't something she want's so Idk. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Like maybe they'll work it out but keeping her locked up won't work, and also that psycho chick who almost made her miscariage, and second ML.

    LaNansha March 7, 2021 1:10 am
    Yes but its like an obsessive type not like I want you to be with me so we can be happy. Its kind of like Sangwoo break your ankles type, I think. At least based on spoilers. ANd the fact that he seems batshit ... Anime_lover

    I don’t know about all that. I don’t read the language the raws are translated in, but from I’ve seen from the raws, some of the spoilers are clearly described by the one half of the fandom that despises the emperor and can’t bother to read the situation objectively.

    Did he tell her he only wanted her and not the kids? Maybe. Do the raws that people spoiled go beyond chapter 19? Because then they might know more than I do. If not, then he most likely told her this in the dream she had in chapter 17-18. He met his kids at the end of chapter 18 and seemed quite pleased with his kids as their meeting went on through chapter 19.

    So I’ll just wait for translations and make my own judgement. And as you can tell from my reply, I belong to the one half of the fandom who doesn’t despise the emperor. I’d usually defend him with specific points as to why, but I’ve done it so often that I don’t see the point anymore. All I’ll say is that she’s obviously going to end up with him and I’m here for it.

    Fujoshi_Panda March 7, 2021 10:32 am
    Even if SHE didn’t, her kids still would. Every kid deserve to have both their parents in their lives. LaNansha

    Sekkin March 7, 2021 12:46 pm

    Yeah but if the mother isn't happy with him, the kids are feeling this and aren't happy as well. Children deserve a healthy happy family, not a family that stays together because of them. They will feel guilty and think it's their fault that the mother is unhappy

    Fujoshi_Panda March 7, 2021 12:57 pm

    But this won't be the case... I can feel it

    Army_gurl March 8, 2021 3:24 am
    If she has nightmares of the emperor and how he's so possessive about her, its better for her to stay single with her children or search for another man who she'll love. Sekkin

    Its not nightmares the emperor can do magic he cast a spell where two people who love each other can meet in their dreams, the mc thought it was all fake and didn't know

    Sekkin March 10, 2021 5:43 pm

    yeah but after she went to the magician she knew it and judging her last "dream" be it a nightmare or the emperor, she wasn't happy to see him, she was terrified and wants to run away, so she really doesn't have any feelings towards him, he catches her and forces her to love him, she falls for him probably later but for me this is just a stockholm kind of love cause she has no choice...He needs a major personality developement

    LaNansha March 10, 2021 6:06 pm
    yeah but after she went to the magician she knew it and judging her last "dream" be it a nightmare or the emperor, she wasn't happy to see him, she was terrified and wants to run away, so she really doesn't hav... Sekkin

    Nah, she started having feelings for him in the dream. Her fear isn’t the only reason why she’s running. She was also mad and felt betrayed. You really gotta check that again. She always had to remind herself that the real life him and the dream him were two different people because she already felt some type of way about him. So finding out they’re one and the same, was a real blow for her. Even though I’m against her keeping the kids away from him, I actually respect the fact that her feelings for him didn’t make her weak and vulnerable; just more determined. I love people who can stick to their guns no matter what.

    manganiME March 17, 2021 12:47 pm

    Maybe he should have treated her well without all the secret shit from the start and she wouldn't have run away!