Is this bad omen? i have manga that makes me that i'm not lonely. It gives me real thing.

You'll find an amazing group of friends soon. Just give it time. I myself am 19 and only have one true friend. Long story short, i realized to be wary of who you trust. Sure it gets lonely, but keep your heart and eyes open.

I think all of you are same as me. I'm glad to hear about this

my dear friend , you are 100% correct. But there are few good people but It's difficult to find a suitable person.

I don't have any idea about it.

Not everyone is okay with taking the initiative to make friends. At least I'm not okay with it. I like being alone but I have 2 very close friends and I didn't have to look for their friendship; we were best friends before I knew it. If Rico doesn't have any friends it's not because he hasn't looked hard enough for them, it's because he hasn't come across the right people. Besides taking the initiative to talk to people to make friends only gets you acquaintances/fake friends most of the time which some people don't really need in their lives. I think Rico shouldn't force himself to try make friends. He'll naturally make friends when the time comes.

All my friends are on here and I'm completely happy with that. (⌒▽⌒)......Well unless you count my husband. He's the one I hang out with, drink with, etc etc. I have older sisters so they kinda cured me of wanting females around me alot and if i really really reeeeally want female companionship I just agree to hang out with them. Lol!

I don't really like having female friends because its usually drama nowadays (experience talking) but the few I had were great but I graduated high school last year and now no one (they all had friends of their own as well as me T-T) I want friends too and its hard cause I don't have any social media or a phone that works properly, I can be your friend
I'm 21 years old , I still don't have friends.