I think this guy knows that he can see but he's looking for some potential EXPERT BLIND-FA...

NEMU-SAN March 6, 2021 12:37 am

I think this guy knows that he can see but he's looking for some potential EXPERT BLIND-FAKING GUY so he can satisfy his fetish. The corpse are the one who failed to stay calm as a so-called blind I guess... or maybe not?! ...

    Tai March 6, 2021 1:06 am

    yeah he's def testing black haired guy but idk for what, is he just toying with him to see how far he can go before the guy finally makes a big mistake OR is he trying to see how high his tolerence is for fucked up shit or is he just waiting for the right time to murder him without consequences and only hasnt yet cause of black hair guy's quick thinking? like...idek. too bad he's so horrible cause he sure is a pretty blonde~