get tf out of here incest i no wanna u

pyscho.simp March 6, 2021 12:22 am

Yes i read this bc of how it was called Karen. Do i regret it? Yes. why? INCEST

    Taiga Aoi April 24, 2021 4:41 am

    Would someone with at least a full grey matter, globe explain to me why everyone is complaining about "incest"? Really? If you had actually read this manga you would realize that they are not blood related, so therefore the word "incest" is irrelevant.

    pyscho.simp April 24, 2021 9:58 am
    Would someone with at least a full grey matter, globe explain to me why everyone is complaining about "incest"? Really? If you had actually read this manga you would realize that they are not blood related, so ... Taiga Aoi

    bruh- did u read it properly? ik they arent blood related- but they literally didnt care if they were, the whole time they thought they were blood related which is why its still incest.