Why I love this manga and can't stop crying at the end...

Chiaki March 5, 2021 11:37 pm

I read this manga such a long time ago and I knew the ending, just some stuff in between was a bit blurry so I wanted to refresh my memory.
Still I ended up crying a lot, this manga might not be perfect but it touches me on such a deep and personal level that most works just can't do.
It's absolutely beautiful and incredibly sad (even without the reveal at the end).
Facing your issues/trauma, running from them and struggling to accept who you are or overcoming your crisis is such a human thing.
It's so close to reality and therefore quite terrifying, it's not an alienated concept and that's what's making this manga so good....you can relate, being there yourself or knowing someone...even having heard of such a thing from an acquaintance.
The depth of the human mind is a difficult subject to talk about but incredibly important to discuss nonetheless.
I'm so glad this manga exist.
