
yukicross March 5, 2021 11:29 pm

is it just me? cause yeah as selfish as the uke may be, he's got his reasons for keeping the baby.
one, he didn't want to be alone, finding something to live for after losing everything is a big deal as unreasonable as it may seem.
and two, the seme at the time of conception was still a student so he can't really chain the seme to him.
insecurities and anxiety are feelings that are hard to explain and illogical at times too. i think the author is going for the whole character growth with the uke here for his happily ever after.
one tend to be biased at times if you only see one person's point of view.

    HOE March 5, 2021 11:37 pm

    I totally understand but look who he called wen he couldn't find his son.
    Taeyoon (seme) looked up and down for the kid.
    The uke is very selfish but he is an amazing father.

    yukicross March 6, 2021 5:41 am
    I totally understand but look who he called wen he couldn't find his son.Taeyoon (seme) looked up and down for the kid.The uke is very selfish but he is an amazing father. HOE

    yes, i agree with you the uke is indeed selfish XD
    i think this is the arc where he'll start to realize the seme's worth and be more aware of his feelings. plus start to depend on the seme too since they haven't seen each other in years, he may see him in a different light and more as an adult. character growth if i may say. ヾ(☆▽☆)

    nutty March 6, 2021 6:32 am

    I mean yeah i get the whole not wanting to chain him down when he’s young thing, but why not telling him now? The uke is just hurting himself and the child in the future. Everyone takes trauma differently and everything, but still he’s not excepting the fact that Taeyoon really loves and wants to be with him. It’s been like that since they met lmao

    yukicross March 6, 2021 8:03 am
    I mean yeah i get the whole not wanting to chain him down when he’s young thing, but why not telling him now? The uke is just hurting himself and the child in the future. Everyone takes trauma differently and... nutty

    yeah i thought about that too, like why not just get together since it's obvious the seme's still smitten with the uke?, then i thought, yeah they've been apart for years and wouldn't really know what goes on in the other's mind. i have anxiety too so i know that it impacts your choices in an illogical manner, that to others may seem so obvious. that's why i think the author is leaning the story more on the character growth as their twist in the story

    nutty March 6, 2021 8:53 am
    yeah i thought about that too, like why not just get together since it's obvious the seme's still smitten with the uke?, then i thought, yeah they've been apart for years and wouldn't really know what goes on i... yukicross

    Yeah I have anxiety as well and I major in phycology. Neither of them really have the “aspects” of severe or even mild anxiety. They’re both like bottom of the line normal people with normal lives (for a manwha). The uke is just being persistent really for no reason, bc like earlier, it’s obvious the seme cares for him.

    yukicross March 6, 2021 10:23 am
    Yeah I have anxiety as well and I major in phycology. Neither of them really have the “aspects” of severe or even mild anxiety. They’re both like bottom of the line normal people with normal lives (for a ... nutty

    that's a good take on it too. yeah, what if the uke's not oblivious and just ignores the seme's feelings altogether and just wants the kid? .. i like it too XD

    nutty March 6, 2021 5:19 pm
    that's a good take on it too. yeah, what if the uke's not oblivious and just ignores the seme's feelings altogether and just wants the kid? .. i like it too XD yukicross

    Yeah that’s why people are mad lmao, the uke is just being persistent and annoying like anyone actually cares