Ok ignore my comment this is going to sound rude but: Do some of you guys have the readi...

Hopeless_shipper March 5, 2021 9:56 pm

Ok ignore my comment this is going to sound rude but:

Do some of you guys have the reading capacity of a toddler?

I was looking through the comments and i kept seeing people felt mc was overeacting and should just show her emotions already so that she had her father could already get along since the original mc had already died and there was nothing they could do, so mc shouldn't whine when she went through nothing of it.

Uhh. Excuse me???

First of all, the story LITERALLY states that she reincarnated into her OWN body, she just also remembers her OTHER past life as well.

As for the "she should just start showing emotions already and get along with the dilf" part, I'm not even going to deign it with an answer.

Some people here have serious problems.

    melrodi March 5, 2021 10:26 pm

    Yeah if my dad neglected me and all of a sudden started showing affection I would be freaked out as hell. Not to mention he locked her up with barley an explanation.

    Lance.VA March 6, 2021 12:46 am

    its not her body lmao. The 1st chapter says that its a novel she read in her past life, and her dialogue also says "I wish I knew the ending" bc the novel stopped uploading once the villainess died

    melrodi March 6, 2021 1:45 am
    its not her body lmao. The 1st chapter says that its a novel she read in her past life, and her dialogue also says "I wish I knew the ending" bc the novel stopped uploading once the villainess died Lance.VA

    It is her body, or it is now, she lived in the body since her birth, just without the memories.

    Lance.VA March 6, 2021 3:44 pm
    It is her body, or it is now, she lived in the body since her birth, just without the memories. melrodi

    You're right, but I wasn't referring to that. @hopeless shipper stated that the mc reincarnated into her own body and thus remembers the memories of her death, which is not true.

    Hopeless_shipper March 6, 2021 4:15 pm
    You're right, but I wasn't referring to that. @hopeless shipper stated that the mc reincarnated into her own body and thus remembers the memories of her death, which is not true. Lance.VA
