I completely agree. I’m just pointing out she hasn’t loved anyone in all that time. that’s why I also asked if she’d had any kids. If you’ve lived out 100 lifetimes as a woman it’s reasonable to assume you had some kids. If that’s the case did she have no parental love for those children? That’s why I say she’s a narcissist psychopath to go all that time without loving anyone.

also how smart is god? Forcing herto reincarnate but having her reincarnate with all her memories = her caracter flaw from birth.= isnt influenced by parenting and suroundings because her personality is set in stome... If god wanted her to learn then she shpuld have been raincarnated with no memories and start like a blamk slate then learn emotions and then regain her memories. But the punishment seems to be for her to not solve the riddle.

Thats what i have been saying.. she was the first human god made, but did he even give her the ability to have or express emotions? We know she never cared about andything and horded the love because she wanted it but no emotions have been shown on her part? And we now all humans made after her loved her so why cant she?

Couple points.
1) A narcissist and psychopath are similar, but not the same. A narcissist is someone who thinks they are the center of the universe and feels the need for others to love/admire them (In the FL’s case everyone should love me, I’m the best and should get to hold all the love) also as a result they tend not to care about others feelings, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have them more that their feelings take priority
2) While similar in the aspect that they tend not to care for others a psychopath is more extreme in there disregard for others. For example, a narcissist might get really upset if their mother died because it is their mother, that’s something of theirs they cared about being taken away from them that can effect their life. They might even be overly dramatic about that in a sympathy seeking way like oh look how sad and bad I have it. A psychopath on the other hand isn’t going to care that they died at all unless it inconveniences them in some way in which case they are only upset about the inconvenience (Like when FL’s grandmother died). A psychopath is also willing to take things way further in that they are fine with committing violence, murder, extreme cruelty or manipulating others to get what they want. (A narcissist can still be Squamish or feel guilty for doing violence or wrong, but a psychopath feels no guilt) They also tend to be extremely confident people with a self esteem so high it is unhealthy this overwhelming confidence can be very attractive which is why so many cult leaders and such are found to be psychopaths. (As a side note while not necessary to be a narcissist they tend to have extremely low self esteem as they typically can’t handle any criticism) Psychopaths also tend to be impulsive and not think far ahead or about consequences.
3) In short, you have to be a particular type of narcissist to also be a psychopath, but you can be a type of narcissist that prohibits you from also being a psychopath. The reverse is not true though.
4) While there are certain aspects of your personality that are predetermined, your life experiences do a lot to shape who you are/become. For example, I assume you have had things happen since you were younger that either caused you to change your perspective on the world or how you treat others. Like if your super rich and dismissive of poor people, but then you have to be poor and you get a greater understanding of the real struggles that can change you into a wiser more compassionate person. Even if right now you took my soul out of my body and put me into a random person I’m not going to stop growing and changing as a person. It’s not like I’m emotionally and psychologically frozen in time where I will never change
5) As I am the Catholic faith, which I only bring up to explain where the following viewpoint on God comes from, in the Catholic ideology you are given free will. If you are just someone who does exactly what god wants and can’t choose differently you are just a machine/slave in a sense. In that way to you can never be good or evil you just are and have no responsibility for anything you do. But God wants you to be free so he’s given you free will. And if you are free you can choose to be bad or evil. There’s the stereotypical vision of hell as fire and brimstone, but it has also been described as simply the absence of God as in you’ve turned your back on him as all people do on occasion. If you are willing to seek God out and repent God will then accept you back. And since God is in everyone when FL is turning her back and ignoring her fellow man it’s as if she is doing it to God. So in a way until she loves others she is rejecting him.
6) Also a lot of your personality is determined by genetics and she has been born as many different people, meaning she isn’t simply inheriting a mental disorder each time. She is actively choosing/deciding not to care about others. That means she can choose to love others she just has to make that choice for herself. Just like when it comes to people you are not just default good that is something you have to decide you want to be and act on it

On thw 6th point, yes she is reborn, but all her personality and traits are intacts. If her personality is alredy set as a narcissist or psychopath when she is born, how is she going to change that? The way to change that would be for her to be reborn with no memroies of her past self and then later on regain said memories after her "new personality" is created and influenced by her soroundings. Also you are saying that god made the perfect human on the first try... What about Adams first wife Lilith? She was made by god but was not perfect in his eyes so he made Eve from adams rib. The "Prodotype" is never perfect hence why prototypes are made... because no mater how perfect they may seem, there is always something that can be made better.

First, Lilith doesn’t exist in the Catholic faith so that point doesn’t really hold. You’ve been reading to many fantasy novels. Second, I never said he made anyone perfect. Only God is perfect. He just that them gave them free will, which also allows them to be imperfect and sin. And you completely ignored my point. You can have personality defects, but if you have free will you can still choose to identify those and not act on them. Like you can have racist thoughts or feelings, but choose not to act on them. Once again if she cannot choose otherwise she has no free will
Who lives several lifetimes and can’t figure out love? Like seriously has she never married or had children in all that time? How much of a psychopath narcissist could she be?