I'm a little lost

cache March 5, 2021 4:09 pm

Can someone tell me what the church's beef with my baby shuli? (fuck the pope btw) And the royal family's relationship with the Neuschwenstein and the church? I dont know if im just dumb as fuck or its my lack of sleep, but I understood nothing from that meeting with those cardinals.

Also that part where "Neuschwenstein went half mad longing for his dead lover" LOVER?! Since when were they lovers? (altho i do admit theyre my guilty ship but NORA ALL THE WAY)

    LvisS March 5, 2021 4:35 pm

    Is not that they have beef with her, she is nothing more than a means to an end for what I read and sort of understood I'm guessing that the church is sort of losing power or something like that so I suppose this is their way of stating that the empire power can't really punish the people that comit the crime (?) As a way of telling " if the church got enough power to punish this people then we'll make sure to make them take accountability for what they have done" putting in evidence the lack of power and authority and control the emperor holds over situations like this, and as for shulli I doubt is personal beef ( at least in the first time line) because she is the widower of one of the most powerful and prestigious family that hold no power (whatsoever) after the marriage of her elder stepson so ¿ what scream injustice more than a young woman, widower of an important family that was kill in the most horrid and brutal way on the wedding day of his stepson?
    Ad for the madness of Neuschwanstein I don't know what they mean I suppose they assumed that jeremy and her where lovers and that's the reason behind him cancelling the wedding (?)

    But yeah the cardinal is a fucker but for what I Intuit he isn't even doing this to help the church to gain power and wealth just like the other cardinals want, I think he genuinely believe that is a mission of god, he clearly said she is going to help to a greater cause with her dead and it was her faith to serve god that way, still pretty fucked up

    Niniʕ⁎⁎ʔ March 5, 2021 4:42 pm

    Spoiler Warning *******

    The church is hungry for power so the decide to declare war on the nobles in which they lost. Shuli is the highest noble lady in society so they had decide to kill her to as a declaration. The cardinal priest you see in the last panel was in love with Shuli but he is yandere as fuck so he’s like ‘if I can’t have no one can’ type and is the main reason they chose Shuli to kill.

    The current queen is a Neuschwenstein. She is Nora’s aunt.

    Shuli and Nora aren’t lovers it’s just I guess for the readers? They are end game in the novel.

    Brazen March 5, 2021 4:47 pm

    Well the church has been doing quite a lot of shit to harm the civilians and in one instance I think they were trying to overtax the citizens during Christmas? I think? And shuli came up with a plan so that they wouldn't even need to charge the citizens... it was something like that main thing is she got in their way. And about her being his lover, it was just shown by Nora's pov. That the truth he found out was that she is not a lover of neuschwenstein but just meant to be able to rule over the land until Jeremy grew up and her presence is also meant to mock the emperor considering her appearance and intelligence. But actually I am confused about that sentence. "Neuschwenstein went half mad longing for his dead lover." Didn't the marquis die long ago? I don't understand if i misread that or remember it wrong? I mean she went back in time to the point where he died which was when they were all still children. So how is it that he went half mad after her death, that happened on the day of Jeremy's wedding when they were older. Did I miss something?

    cache March 5, 2021 7:41 pm

    Dang. I really need to read the novel