I feel like this is the one:

Truly happy to help ^.^
Ahh, recs. I'll try to keep this short and to the point. Key word being 'try', here.
A few highly viewed ones that were amazing, just to get them out of the way:
1) My eyes are puffy, man. Puffy! I was just thinking, how many times must it have been drilled into his psyche, before he was so utterly convinced that he was inferior to his brother to such a degree. The first story is amazing too, I just prefer the second.
2) The seme is really the boy who cried whore. Oh, well. He's still a good kid. Loved the uke.
Now for some angst:
3) To borrow a phrase, "for of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: 'it might have been!'"
Heart rending short tale about star-crossed lovers (Chapters 1 and 6.5, if you're squicked by shota like me, fair warning, the rest of the stories have some minuscule ukes)
4) The first story only. Forever alone bartender. Sad stuff.
5) The Sato Series - Shounen ai (name I made up). Chapters 6,7 & 8.
Some sci-fi to keep things interesting:
6) This one is a shounen-ai too, but I highly recommend it
Moving on to the supernatural side of things:
7) The fruitless love between an unorthodox demon and an angel who has begun to doubt his beliefs. This sets forth in motion events greater than the two of them.
Thoughts: Really makes you question faith, in terms of the universe presented here. Hauntingly painful, plot-heavy and interesting.
Actual tragedy that does not end all that well:
8) This one is also a shounen-ai. But it's so short and won't take much of your time. Real food for thought.
Special mentions for at times absurd, yet, somehow lovable characters:
9) This uke is a modern day siren, I swear. Ongoing.
10) The seme you should steer clear of, but can't
11) The uke you can't help but want to hug.
So this yaoi manga is about a gay boy who fall in love with his old classmate who is straight. And this gay boy stay in some gay bar? Like, a small room upstairs this gay bar? And then his boss (manager of this gay bar) have a relationship with the owner who is straight? This manager fall in love with the owner, but the owner is really a jerk. And then then the gay bar closed? Arrgh. I'm forget the title of this manga. Thank you so much for your help.