If your still confused I can clarify some things.I wouldn't say it's a spoiler just explaining the thing he's saying in the latest chapter.
So basically,he's planning on obtaining 'sound of the wind' another ancient power just like the indestructible shield he gained when he fed that hole near the tree with lots of bread.
He plans to go to the Lady Amirel's (Amiru in the the translated novel) Territory with the excuse of just wanting to go on a vacation,snatch up the ancient power and bounce.
The task he's giving the dragon and choi han is to locate the magic bombs that will be the cause of the Plaza Terror incident.These bombs are hard to identify however as it could be on a person without the person realizing that they are actually carrying a bomb.You also need to have high magical sensitivity to locate these bombs but with the help of the great and mighty dragon it's no problem.He's also leaving it to Choi Han cause he knows he's capable enough to not get noticed.
Lastly,at the end,Cale tells them to not do anything to the bomb and to not disarm them.Choi Han and the Dragon will check everyday for new bombs installed.Theyll only disarm the bomb a day before the incident to catch that magician (the guy who attacked the wolf tribe) since magicians are needed for these bombs to blow up.
i don't get some of the things he's saying but god dammit im so in love with him