insert ur big magnum on me March 5, 2021 8:13 am


    Meri19 March 5, 2021 8:26 am

    Why exactly Jonghu deserves better? The owner is trying his best to take care of him, and it was Jonghu the one that started the sex relationship in the first place, and the one that pretended to date his owner, even knowing it was really odd and difficult to do

    ✨andrei✨ March 5, 2021 10:38 am
    Why exactly Jonghu deserves better? The owner is trying his best to take care of him, and it was Jonghu the one that started the sex relationship in the first place, and the one that pretended to date his owner... Meri19

    The dog made such a huge sacrifice on becoming a human just for hes owner i honestly feel bad for the dog bc all he see was hes master getting treated badly whenever hes master have sex blame it on the master its hes fault the dog turned this way

    Meri19 March 5, 2021 10:45 am
    The dog made such a huge sacrifice on becoming a human just for hes owner i honestly feel bad for the dog bc all he see was hes master getting treated badly whenever hes master have sex blame it on the master i... ✨andrei✨

    So are you blaming the uke for being sexually abused by his former partners? and because the dog turned into a human for that reason let’s blame the owner? You made 0 sense, the owner didn’t asked for any of this shit

    ✨andrei✨ March 5, 2021 10:51 am
    So are you blaming the uke for being sexually abused by his former partners? and because the dog turned into a human for that reason let’s blame the owner? You made 0 sense, the owner didn’t asked for any o... Meri19

    If the uke wasn't so lustful and horny all the time the uke would probably have just stayed having a normal life with work and going for runs at the part the dog probably only had that kind of sex with him only bc he wanted to please hes master, you already saw how sorry the dog was, the uke is honestly a very crappy character and the red hair guy deserves better then whats happening to him rn

    Meri19 March 5, 2021 10:55 am
    If the uke wasn't so lustful and horny all the time the uke would probably have just stayed having a normal life with work and going for runs at the part the dog probably only had that kind of sex with him only... ✨andrei✨

    Oh wow now you are slut shaming for him having a sexual life, this comment section is unbelieveable, i really hope you are just trolling

    ✨andrei✨ March 5, 2021 10:59 am
    Oh wow now you are slut shaming for him having a sexual life, this comment section is unbelieveable, i really hope you are just trolling Meri19

    Not slut shaming him im saying he should have lived a better life without being so lustful your turning my sentences into what my actual topic is, my topic is that the master should have stop having sex with guys when he Literally have a fog living with him smh.

    biggest testicles March 5, 2021 11:46 am
    Not slut shaming him im saying he should have lived a better life without being so lustful your turning my sentences into what my actual topic is, my topic is that the master should have stop having sex with gu... ✨andrei✨

    That sound so ridiculous, your blaming the owner for having sex and BIENG SEXUALLY ABUSED.. I didn't read the story yet but I don't know what past that man had for him to act that way and having sex no matter how many times is fucking normal. We don't need to shut shame anyone bc you like a character. Even though this is yaoi its so crazy ppl got so used to shut shaming and accepting the awful subtext of a book. I've also seen in the comments the dog raped the owner AND poured boiling water on the boyfriend...why defend that its like saying that's all fine bc u don't like the uke....smgdh

    Mer March 5, 2021 11:53 am
    That sound so ridiculous, your blaming the owner for having sex and BIENG SEXUALLY ABUSED.. I didn't read the story yet but I don't know what past that man had for him to act that way and having sex no matter h... biggest testicles

    I got used that in this page if you are a daddy seme character everyone will lick your ass, while the ukes get a lot of slut shame and hate, it’s kinda scary how this can reflect the way people think in real life, how bottom gays are treated in real life, or feminine boys, or trans people, or woman, unless you are a macho seme it seems people will not respect you, scary

    insert ur big magnum on me March 5, 2021 12:07 pm

    Hey don't argue i just want to say-

    ✨andrei✨ March 6, 2021 10:21 am

    Just to clarify that i want to clear up my arguments it was very invalid and i have came to the conclusion that no one was at fault everyone in this manga had their own problem i just wanted to apologize for my mean and inconvenient replies i am very sorry for not understanding the manga more clearly i just wish to clear up my arguments.