Choi Munhyeok- (right hand man)seme*the one with yellow eyes and the short pinky
SEO yeonjin- blue eyes and is sucking d**k for favours
Wu chagang- previous owner of Munhyeok and the one who died (also slept with bad guy 'jeong mu')
Jeong mu- 'bad guy' with one grey eye) and a scar on his lips he slept with chagang but he Didn't kill him I repeat he DID NOT KILL CHAGANG and he also railed yeonjins dad
Jeong Wu hyeon- he is the NEPHEW of Jeong mu and is getting his peepee sucked by yeonjin and has the mole near his lips
Jeong hu( Wu hyeon's dad)
Kang seohyuk- (right hand man) the one with long hair
And Munhyeoks friend ji-ung with gray hair that is the agent remember when he caught him and his boyfriend doing the dirty in the office lmao
Choi Munhyeok
SEO yeonjin
Wu chagang
Jeong mu
Jeong Wu hyeon
Jeong hu( Wu hyeon's dad)
Kang seohyuk
And Munhyeoks friend ji-ung