To anyone reading this for the first time: 1: This manga and it's prequel are DECADES old ...

rose March 5, 2021 4:00 am

To anyone reading this for the first time:
1: This manga and it's prequel are DECADES old already. Unfortunately, they are as complete as they ever will be. There will be no new updates. Matoh-sensei hasn't even published anything since 2014. She's probably retired.
2: the two mangas, Fake and Fake 2 we're drawn nearly a decade apart from each other. That is why there's such a dramatic shift in the art between the two series.
3: This is just my personal feeling, but I like to think of Fake 2 and the extras as just that, extras. The first 7 volumes of Fake is as good as it gets and anything else is gravy.
