
Violetdepravity March 5, 2021 12:18 am

There are times i have always thought... Ah... I hope my mother just did not conceived me or just left me. Than being abuse by her, being scared of her and ended up with every cell of my body hating her.

I have better relationship now with my father who left me with my mom. I am far lucky than hyesung, coz my dad came back to take back his children.

I have a little hope on his mom, that she did thought that leaving her son is the best thing she could do at that time... I hope she tried looking for hyesung.... I really hope

    Rin Hana March 5, 2021 12:23 am

    Thanks for saying it. It’s sad yo see how people attack people like hyesung especially irl. Child abuse is traumatised (mentally and physically) in hyesung case, no one is looking for him. He didn’t even finish school. He work so hard to live while other kids enjoying their teenage life. Tbh i feel sad to see their perspective...