It's not incest—inter-marital or blood related because it was already explained in the beginning that Anisa was kidnapped as a baby from her real mother (although she wasn't wanted there either). She is being raised as Dietrich's little sister for a specific reason that is explained in the more recent chapter, aside from her role as a replacement for Dietrich's deceased sibling who died with his mother. He isn't aware of that fact at this time. But it shouldn't matter right now because there is not even a smidge of romantic interest between these two children (thank goodness).

ye ik ik but for me, it just sits weird yk?? i mean theyre not related by blood or anything like that its just that they were raised as siblings and then love interestsyk. i have no problem with it but yk. im pretty sure there is another story like this too in terms of romance. but ye i have no problem with it but just a little wierd

I understand your point, however, Anisa is aware that Dietrich isn't her real brother. The only one not in the know is the "brother," although I do have some suspicions that he might already have an inkling that she isn't blood-related to him. It's the adults smacking the terms "related" and "siblings" onto them, aside from Anisa sucking up to Dietrich so he won't kill her. Lol
Please don't tell me that she will end up with her own brother