I like Fei Long too, but for me Tao is more like a son for him. I would find a little weird something between (an adult) Tao and Fei Long. :)

Same...I want him to be happy too!

Sorry, Fei long &Tao are like family without true blood connecting them and Tao is the only family Fei long has now. But, if the circumstance is different , then yes.

Yeah, but if you read the Fei Long novel, that sure looks like where it is headed. It is also made clear that Tao is older than he comes across and is drawn in the series, like twelve or something. So there's sixteen years between them, only a few years more year than between Asami and Akihito. Tao seems very determined and willing to bide his time.

Yes, I read the novel. For me it has more like an open ending instead of a defined one. For my tastes it's weird having something in a sexual or a romantic way with someone who can be your son, your nephew or your little brother. It has nothing to do with the age gap, but with the fact that you raised that person as a son (more or less). Shudders.

I ship Yoh too!
I love asamixakihito but I'm so captivated by Fei long I'm mad the thing about Tao was a dream lol I was like yes Fei long finally get a happy ending,I wanna c Fei