For me personally. I think Taehwan was literally in a : 'in the moment' kind of situation. This is how I see it, he's had alcohol in his system. They both have. They're both also going through things and with Taehwan, around this moment he's feeling a sense of betrayal from both his brother and his close friend because they kept him in the dark about something where he felt he had the right to know about, in a way...he's in a vulnerable state.
The atmosphere in that room is heavy, intense and it's tempting. When you are in a vulnerable state and your stressed about things, the forbidden literally becomes something you find yourself WANTING to give into. This is the only way I can explain it. I know the whole "why not keep to that same attitude you had before" but when you're in a dark room like that, a few drinks in your system and someone's in there testing your demons...seduction is easy to give into.

yeah its reasonable to wonder that tbh, and i think taehwan himself doesnt Fully know what prompted that, mild spoiler but a few weeks pass before they have any real contact again so the bj isnt the start of anything but it Does kind of "awaken" smth in taehwan that idt he knew was there? maybe you'll see what i mean in tuesday's chpt. but yeah i think its complicated for him and thats part of what makes the story interesting. imo if taehwan was a 1 note asshole or yeonwoo was just a pitiful whiny baby like we've seen in 1000 other BL stories then i'd have dropped this comic ages ago. not cause its problematic but because its /boring/. thankfully that's not the case here.

someone linked it around but ill link it for u and congrats on being able to read korean! lol i have my hands full trying to learn japanese. goddamn it i wish written japanese was as straight forward as hangul but its not so im mainly relying on learning via the spoken language. smh. ANYWAY, here's ma raws, enjoy: https://mega.nz/folder/vgg0TKKB#WWYd-TogJ95blf2aAujEng
the chpt with the flashback to baby taehwan's time in US...boarding? school. it sa school lol. is chpt 21 of s2. feel free to peruse the rest of the chpts too, it gets spicy hehe (chpt 11 is not available tho and ill be removing chpt 12 tomm.)

But the issue is... The uke hasn't told him his feelings, at this point he isn't raising any hopes. Raising hopes are only valid when the other party is aware of the other person's feelings. Also, asking for a blowjob is not false hope for any normal person in this situation and the uke sees this moment as a lucky opportunity.

https://www.bomtoon.com/comic/ep_list/BBanana_S you dont know what you are talking about and here's the proof. and if u actually bought raws (which is the only place to get the raws rn, its not floating around for free somewhere else, its just me who's been sharing them here) u will be able to access this page. if u dont even have a bomtoon account then i would like to k now what Raws u are seeing (and blurred tf???)

yeah i consulted another friend who knows some korean and she said it had nothing to do with his having a crush or confessing. just that he suddenly got targetted and its implied from the images that the reason is jealousy but its never outright stated by anyone. all that's said is a bunch of gay slurs, anti asian racist slurs, etc
I can't blame Taewhan for anything. Some are seriously acting like there are no straight men in yaoi and everyone is born gay. Don't forget that Taewhan thinks he's straight. He befriended the uke, trusted him and wanted to take care of him as a friend but while he was sleeping, the uke tried to steal a kiss from him...? Kissing also needs a form of consent guys, so he sure as hell has every right to get angry if his friend wanted to pull a fast one on him. Also, in my opinion...his actions weren't that mean. Him saying harsh words so the uke doesn't approach him is actually quite reasonable and understandable.