I can't blame Taewhan for anything. Some are seriously acting like there are no straight m...

callme_petty March 4, 2021 9:06 pm

I can't blame Taewhan for anything. Some are seriously acting like there are no straight men in yaoi and everyone is born gay. Don't forget that Taewhan thinks he's straight. He befriended the uke, trusted him and wanted to take care of him as a friend but while he was sleeping, the uke tried to steal a kiss from him...? Kissing also needs a form of consent guys, so he sure as hell has every right to get angry if his friend wanted to pull a fast one on him. Also, in my opinion...his actions weren't that mean. Him saying harsh words so the uke doesn't approach him is actually quite reasonable and understandable.

    sugakookies March 4, 2021 9:35 pm

    Yeah I get where you’re coming from... but at this point isn’t he just being a dixk? If he’s not gay, and if he really hates the idea of it... why would he provoke the uke, knowing that he had a thing for him or knowing that he’s gay. I kid you not, later on he might form some sexual relationship with the uke and then break his heart. However I agree with you on how the uke’s actions aren’t justified... neither are the seme’s.

    Alleya March 4, 2021 10:25 pm
    Yeah I get where you’re coming from... but at this point isn’t he just being a dixk? If he’s not gay, and if he really hates the idea of it... why would he provoke the uke, knowing that he had a thing for... sugakookies

    Yeah besides, telling him to suck your dick??? That's definitely him being an asshole, giving the uke false hope, and leading him on.

    sugakookies March 4, 2021 11:23 pm
    Yeah besides, telling him to suck your dick??? That's definitely him being an asshole, giving the uke false hope, and leading him on. Alleya

    Literally. If someone I knew was gay and liked me but made it uncomfortably obvious, I wouldn’t tell them to fuxkin eat me out.. geez... I think he’s being unfair to the uke. Yeah he did some stupid shit but he doesn’t deserve to be treated like that idk :(

    Tai March 5, 2021 12:03 am

    correct! i also dont get why people keep assuming taehwan's issue is with yeonwoo being gay or even being attracted to him? we have NO evidence that thats why he's mad. the problem is the breaking of his trust. the fact that his close friend fuckin ASSAULTED him in his sleep. now obviously we know yeonwoo didnt mean to hurt anyone, he was just a teen with a crush. and if taehwan wasnt dealing with trauma or if yeonwoo had been aware of that trauma, im sure this woulda turned out a bit differently even if taehwan still got mad (as he should). the fact is people who assume that taehwan is only mad cause a boy was attracted to him are not seeing the forest for the trees here. which is to say, they are just comparing this to all the romance stories where a love interest gives their crush a lil kissy and its played off as cute but irl its not. being upset? is a realistic response. being THIS upset might be an overblown response when u dont take into account all the details of what might have been going on with taehwan at the time (even in yeonwoo's memory there are hints that stuff wasnt going super cool with taehwan in his home/private life). like again if he just doesnt want the ICKY BOY COOTIES like some people are assuming then...why WOULD he not just punch yeonwoo and tell him to NEVER touch him again? cause that's not it. its more complicated than that. now what's going on in taehwan's head is up for interpretation at this point. but i wish people would consider maybe, just maybe, that the problem has nothing to do with gayness either of yeonwoo or of taehwan maybe having gay feelings because the way taehwan found OUT abot those "feelings" was very sketchy and clearly upsetting. now...if taehwan found out because yeonwoo directly confessed to him (or he heard yeonwoo talking to himself baout it) and THEN taehwan acted cruel and cold to him, then yes its fair to assume he's a homophobic asshole. but being mad that someone violated u (yes even just a closed mouth kiss) in your sleep, that you TRUSTED is not homophobia FFS.
    (also sick of people assuming taehwan is "gay in denial" when i dont even think taehwan knows what he is beyond knowing he does like women cause we've SEEN that he does. people are assigning a level of self awareness to him that i dont think is there and also looking at sexuality in binary terms that arent reflective of like actual queer people's lives/experiences)

    Tai March 5, 2021 12:11 am
    Yeah besides, telling him to suck your dick??? That's definitely him being an asshole, giving the uke false hope, and leading him on. Alleya

    lol no its not giving false hope. since when has asking for a blow job been a potential love confession? also why do u guys assume taehwan thinks yeonwoo has feelings for him? all taehwan knows is that yeonwoo is /attracted/ to him. that's NOT the same thing. taehwan prob assumes (and this part is my interpretation and hasnt been outright said by anyone in the story yet) that yeonwoo only ever wanted taehwan's body and not his friendship. which if that IS what taehwan thinks, puts his behavior in perspective. now his saying "sure give me a blowjob u lil slut boi" makes more sense than "he's homophobic" or just wants a quick suck from an easy target. cause he can prob get sex really easily (he's considered good looking by every single person in this story who sees him). and also taehwan didnt find out about yeonwoo's Feelings. cause yeonwoo never confessed, taehwan never heard yeonwoo's thoughts. all he got was a kiss while he was /asleep/ and totally vulnerable. im sorry but anyone who does this to a friend who trusts u is fuckin up. yeonwoo does feel sorry truly but taehwan doesnt have any reason to assume that yeonwoo is being sincere. we the Readers /know/ he is but we also have information that taehwan doesnt have wrt yeonwoo. from taehwan's perspective yeonwoo just wants sexual contact from a hot guy and will get it in whatever way he can so thats why taehwan does waht he does. and the fact that yeonwoo likes it prob just fuels taehwan's misconceptions about yeonwoo. (and ofc liking dirty talk or degradation sex isnt inherently bad but ofc ideally they would be upfront about it and it wouldnt be motivated by spite or bitterness or etc)

    Tai March 5, 2021 12:18 am
    Yeah I get where you’re coming from... but at this point isn’t he just being a dixk? If he’s not gay, and if he really hates the idea of it... why would he provoke the uke, knowing that he had a thing for... sugakookies

    im p sure the blow job was just an impulsive act and not some calculated effort to hurt yeonwoo's heart because i dont think taehwan even knows yeonwoo is into him like That. just that he thinks taehwan is hot (and who doesnt? lol). he's clearly still hurt about the past or he wouldnt be so upset tho again i dont think he's self aware enough to know why he's this upset beyond just that yeonwoo broke his trust and may have only faked an interest in friendship from the start (ofc we know thats not true but taehwan may think this, albeit its not clear yet what he thinks and feels cause i dont know that he himself fully knows what he's feeling rn, just that there's anger). but yeah he's not thinking that he wants to hurt yeonwoo's feelings, but his pride. except he is not fully aware that yeonwoo's a kinky boi so he gets taken aback at the end. also yeonwoo wasnt just someone taehwan knew. he was a close and treasured friend that taehwan felt he could relax around. (he even says that last part, that he can relax around yeonwoo) thats why this is such a betrayal. its not "random boy kiss me eww gross da boy cooties" like...

    sugakookies March 5, 2021 1:39 am
    im p sure the blow job was just an impulsive act and not some calculated effort to hurt yeonwoo's heart because i dont think taehwan even knows yeonwoo is into him like That. just that he thinks taehwan is hot ... Tai

    as 1000% as right as you are. If Taehwan is really so affected by the trauma he experienced then why would he, in his right mind, make yeonwoo suck his dixk. Like in no was shape or form is that reasonable. Okay, I get it, he has a boner and he's kinda just really horny atm.. doesn't mean that he should take advantage of Yeonwoo's feelings for him just cause his dixk hard like... it doesn't make sense to me. Homeboi should've just pushed Yeonwoo off, told him to stap with the gei shit that he was projecting on him and gotten tf outta there. Homeboi needs to get his house in order.

    Kayaoi March 5, 2021 1:51 am

    Lol people keep hating him and to those people who don't hate him lets just wait and see how does people react on taewhan's past Spoiler his really not a homophobic, but when he was a child i dont know what chapter that is i guess 78 haha taewhan's past is he was in love With a boy but that boy reject him and said his 'disgusting' that's why taehwan had a trauma.

    sugakookies March 5, 2021 1:54 am
    im p sure the blow job was just an impulsive act and not some calculated effort to hurt yeonwoo's heart because i dont think taehwan even knows yeonwoo is into him like That. just that he thinks taehwan is hot ... Tai

    in no way, am I justifying Yeonwoo's actions, but is it really his fault that he developed feelings for Taehwan? If I had a girlfriend that I had a crush on but I knew she was super against homosexuality, I couldn't just 'poof' and make my feelings disappear, and of Course having to be around her too wouldn't help.

    Kayaoi March 5, 2021 1:57 am
    Lol people keep hating him and to those people who don't hate him lets just wait and see how does people react on taewhan's past Spoiler his really not a homophobic, but when he was a child i dont know what ch... Kayaoi

    I still have the raws though i guess its already in 80+ chapter and its not English and im still in chapter 78 but i saw a glimpse of taewhan's past so yeah i cant hate taewhan for now, we should wait what really happened

    Kayaoi March 5, 2021 1:58 am
    I still have the raws though i guess its already in 80+ chapter and its not English and im still in chapter 78 but i saw a glimpse of taewhan's past so yeah i cant hate taewhan for now, we should wait what real... Kayaoi

    Believe me or not taewhan's past is really horrible.

    sugakookies March 5, 2021 1:58 am
    correct! i also dont get why people keep assuming taehwan's issue is with yeonwoo being gay or even being attracted to him? we have NO evidence that thats why he's mad. the problem is the breaking of his trust.... Tai

    someone just commented about **(SPOILER)** Taehwan having a terrible experience with a guy he had a crush on. So, yes, he is a gay in denial.

    Nyxpsic March 5, 2021 1:59 am

    I agree. I've read all the raws and I haven't seen a moment of Taehwan being "manipulative, toxic or abusive". He can be sort of a asshole but that's it, I always thought he treated Yeonwu decently considering their relationship and Taehwan's personality. Also every time they have sex is consented and the only thing I think he's lacking is aftercare...

    sugakookies March 5, 2021 2:01 am
    Believe me or not taewhan's past is really horrible. Kayaoi

    damn I feel really bad for him. I mean no one should have to go through that just because their sexuality is different. and to the people who STILL bully others for being gay... buncha a$$holes with no ballz

    Tai March 5, 2021 2:59 am
    as 1000% as right as you are. If Taehwan is really so affected by the trauma he experienced then why would he, in his right mind, make yeonwoo suck his dixk. Like in no was shape or form is that reasonable. Oka... sugakookies

    i already said some of this in another comment so ill try to summarize it here. he didnt "make" yeonwoo do anything. yeonwoo an adult man tried to convince taehwan to stay and then when offered an out, still chose to suck the dick and even went the extra mile of licking up his cum. this is not a guy who was forced into anything lol. lets not take yeonwoo's agency away here.
    i dont think taehwan was suddenly jsut soooo horny that he figured nows the time for a bj. i also dont think his anger towards yeonwoo is related to yeonwoo being gay or having a crush on him but to yeonwoo assaulting him in his sleep (a vulnerable state). we see taehwan say to yeonwoo that he feels like he can relax around him, and then yeonwoo does That so...ya. nagl for yeonwoo there. now obv taehwan has some serious baggage or he wouldnt still be This mad but i do think its also indicative of how hurt he was by this betrayal, if he didnt adore and trust yeonwoo as much as he did would he still be feelin upset enough to act petty or spiteful about it? i dont think he sees yeonwoo's attraction as "feelings" but more as just pure horniness. and in fact the way he's acting makes me think that he believes (wrongly ofc) that yeonwoo was never rly interested in friendship from the start and only pretended to be. thus invalidating everything they shared back then. ofc this is just my assumption but i do think its fair to say that taehwan has a right ot be upset and offering yeonwoo the chance to engage in sexual acts with him, the thing that he believes yeonwoo wanted all along (and to an extent it is what he wanted but not Only that ofc). so at worst this was an act to demean yeonwoo or embarass him except it didnt work cause yeonwoo is a masochist and just got even hornier. (thus taehwan being stunned at the end by how uh into it yeonwoo got. and that also awakens smth in taehwan which we will see him uh contend with next tuesday lol). but yeah, people seem to assume taehwan resents yeonwoo for being gay for him and that ignores the way that taehwan found out about yeonwoo's Interest (attraction doesnt = love.). yeonwoo never once confessed to taehwan or gave him any real indication of /romantic/ interest. taehwan assuming the kiss was out of a secret pure love for him is asking alot out of a teenager who was clearly not in a good place at that time already. and now all taehwan has ofc are the memories and lingering resentment.

    Tai March 5, 2021 3:03 am
    Lol people keep hating him and to those people who don't hate him lets just wait and see how does people react on taewhan's past Spoiler his really not a homophobic, but when he was a child i dont know what ch... Kayaoi

    huh? i was told that the friend just spread rumors about taehwan cause baby taehwan (they looked like they were 12) was getting along well with a girl that the other kid (this white boy with bright red hair) was crushing on. so he turned on taehwan. and some pretty dark and intense hazing/bullying commences and because these are tween boys in america that involves homophobic slurs. i know in my teen years the guys loooved to call things "gay" as a pejorative so...(but maybe someone who knows korean can make it super clear but just from the images i didnt get that impression at all and it also doesnt rly tie into the real issue taehwan has which is that he cant tolerate betrayal or being vulnerable and thats because the few times he allowed himself to trust people he got burned BAD)

    Tai March 5, 2021 3:04 am
    I still have the raws though i guess its already in 80+ chapter and its not English and im still in chapter 78 but i saw a glimpse of taewhan's past so yeah i cant hate taewhan for now, we should wait what real... Kayaoi

    its not in 80 plus chpts. its exactly at 78 cause the raws gong around are the same raws i uploaded from bomtoon lol. last week there was no new raws. tomorrow tho 79 should come out tho. (unless dolsha takes another break)

    Tai March 5, 2021 3:06 am
    damn I feel really bad for him. I mean no one should have to go through that just because their sexuality is different. and to the people who STILL bully others for being gay... buncha a$$holes with no ballz sugakookies

    im telling you im PRETTY sure thats wrong. can u ask this person if she knows korean. ugh i should go ask my friend. i just dont wanna bother her over this but like that chpt is a long while away to be translated and i dont want this misconception to spread around and confuse people about the actual story.

    sugakookies March 5, 2021 3:08 am
    i already said some of this in another comment so ill try to summarize it here. he didnt "make" yeonwoo do anything. yeonwoo an adult man tried to convince taehwan to stay and then when offered an out, still ch... Tai

    Very true. And I fully agree with this. But I still think that Taehwan should’ve just told Yeonwoo to Fuxk off like he did last time and leave. I’m just confused as to why he stayed and indulged in Yeonwoo despite hating it so much. But I guess I can only find out when the next chapter comes out. WHICH I HOPE IS SOON. Ugh I’m always on edge for this manhwa

    sugakookies March 5, 2021 3:11 am
    im telling you im PRETTY sure thats wrong. can u ask this person if she knows korean. ugh i should go ask my friend. i just dont wanna bother her over this but like that chpt is a long while away to be translat... Tai

    How about this. I’ll go find the raws and find out myself since I can read Korean and understand some but I ain’t no wiz so imma translate it and then I’ll come back and lyk if that’s true cause I really wanna know. I just gotta find the rats :,)