Still kinda frustrated

Ethingan March 4, 2021 8:39 pm

So I looked through the raws and about blowjobs...


OMG I was getting so FRUSTRATED! The uke was giving blowjobs almost EVERY single freaking chapter. But then I read more and more and I thought he was never gonna get it back (maybe this chapter, okay maybe not, but maybe next chapter *on repeat).
(╯°Д °)╯╧╧ Then FINALLY in chapter 65 he got it back from one of them *happy crying. Hallelujah!

But still though, it feels like I'm the only one bothered by this but why is it always the ukes going down on the semes, but the semes going down isn't at all as common. Doesn't it feel kinda unfair? And like it's tied to some sexist notion that only the receiving partner (woman/bottom) needs to give but isn't expected to get it back.

    sH9 March 6, 2021 9:01 pm

    here are some stories where the seme gives a blowjob and where the relationship's wholesome and both partners are caring: for example in 1, 2, 5 there are very nice scenes with great foreplay

    sH9 March 6, 2021 9:03 pm

    the list isn't about blowjobs but about consent, however as you point out, well-written wholesome stories tend to have a better balance in sexual relationships - and yeah, I definitely prefer when it doesn't reproduce sexist roles and isn't unfair!

    notyouraveragegirl March 10, 2021 4:14 pm

    Eh, I don't think he wants that kind of relationship with Princess TBH, and it balances out because he has a different type with the other seme. I don't know if we'll ever see Princess do that for him, but they kiss which I see the passion and love there with them when they are kissing. I think he has feelings for Princess, but Princess doesn't want anything serious or so he says. lol He has gotten pretty possessive though since the other seme came into the picture.

    I think this is one of the best triangles because you can see him with both men who have good qualities but also pitfalls as well. I just don't see how he is going to end up with the younger (not Princess) one because of the brother situation. That's a pretty huge obstacle. I mean he was in love with older brother for a long time, so it's quite awkward.

    Also, even though Princess and he have rougher type sex, Princess is his main support system through all of his hardships. He really knows him best and how to keep him from falling apart. He is his lifeline, and I think their dynamic is very interesting because slowly you see Princess giving into his feelings for Yul.

    I hope we get to see how they met at some point because it's clear to me Princess was the one who got him to open up again, and I'm just curious how he did it because Yul is very closed off and quick to abandon anyone he cares about because he was hurt so badly by the other seme's brother and that friend who fell for him but made sure to destroy his relationship with the other brother to make Yul his (which obviously backfired on him).

    I hate that the old lover is trying to get back in the picture. I hope Princess gets rid of his ass for Yul. He let Yul take a beating just to get rid of the other brother, and that is disgusting. He is a mess because of that entire situation.

    fork April 10, 2021 1:44 pm
    Eh, I don't think he wants that kind of relationship with Princess TBH, and it balances out because he has a different type with the other seme. I don't know if we'll ever see Princess do that for him, but the... notyouraveragegirl

    whoa wait what brother situation

    notyouraveragegirl April 10, 2021 2:56 pm
    whoa wait what brother situation fork

    Yul (uke) had a past friendship with Seoh's brother where he developed a crush on him (older in HS), and then, the other seme that I don't think we have met yet in the story at this point was jealous because he wanted Yul to himself and outed him to Seoh's older brother who literally beat him up over being gay.

    That's why Yul is such a mess with trusting people and not being closed off except with Princess who basically took him under his wing and has been there for him ever since that time, which is why Princess is a step above Seoh because how are they going to have a relationship long term when Seoh is very close to his brother. Right now he is choosing Yul, but I don't know if Yul is strong enough to be the one to break their bond for life. It's a very sticky situation, and I STILL think it's weird that Seoh didn't know who Yul was if he was so close to the older brother?

    fork April 10, 2021 6:24 pm
    Yul (uke) had a past friendship with Seoh's brother where he developed a crush on him (older in HS), and then, the other seme that I don't think we have met yet in the story at this point was jealous because he... notyouraveragegirl

    yeah seems kinda weird? maybe they hadn't gotten close until later on ?

    notyouraveragegirl April 11, 2021 12:45 am
    yeah seems kinda weird? maybe they hadn't gotten close until later on ? fork

    I am wondering if he went away for high school while Seoh (the younger brother) stayed at home. I don't know. That hasn't been discussed as far as I remember.

    I just know that Yul has had feelings for both of them which is peculiar to say the least. lol Also, the brother confronted them in college about their relationship at some point in the manwha, and Seoh ended up beating up the brother for Yul. Then, he told Yul that they weren't close initially as children until the brother injured him, and then, he made up with Seoh and became very close.

    I don't know if Seoh is lying or not because he is always so cheerful as if he is hiding something, but I don't know. Princess is more realistic to me and easier to relate to, but I do like Seoh too.

    I think that's why this is a good triangle because both guys have good qualities, but Princess doesn't like or trust this situation with Yul and Seoh. He's tried to ruin them a few times. lol He's in love with Yul, but he holds back because that's Princess. He told Yul he doesn't want to be in a relationship, but there is some dialogue that for me I want to see in English because I think he backed down from it at one point, and Yul went back to Seoh which upset Princess. lol

    fork April 11, 2021 12:28 pm
    I am wondering if he went away for high school while Seoh (the younger brother) stayed at home. I don't know. That hasn't been discussed as far as I remember. I just know that Yul has had feelings for both o... notyouraveragegirl

    honestly i could only get up to ch 30 in the raws, my heart was hurting so much lmfao i'm anxious to see how it'll end because i do like all three male leads and don't want any of them to be hurting

    so i'm unsure, but if seoha hasn't lied to him before, which i don't believe he has to the point that i read, you could take him for his word on that. he honestly doesn't seem the type- and while i haven't seen their relationship, i feel like the brother wouldn't have bothered talking about yul, or wouldn't mention his name if he had.

    ooff i do not like princess for that though thats kinda shitty. (trying to ruin them). he's putting yul through unnecessary pain- yul should be the one making the choices and him trying to ruin them ( so, i assume, yul runs back to him) is kinda manipulative? imo

    notyouraveragegirl April 11, 2021 12:38 pm
    honestly i could only get up to ch 30 in the raws, my heart was hurting so much lmfao i'm anxious to see how it'll end because i do like all three male leads and don't want any of them to be hurting so i'm unsu... fork

    I don't know about Seoh to be honest being something that he's not either, BUT how can you be close to someone when there's that huge barrier with the brother? I don't know. That's a pretty big obstacle.

    I see Seoh as the kind of person that at one point wouldn't be able to handle that kind of issue when it comes to a relationship. It's not as if he is out of the closet or has even discussed fully his sexuality either, so there's issues there, and I feel like Seoh is a family person while Yul's family has turned on him for being gay.

    As far as Princess, he's doing that because he doesn't want Yul to get hurt, and yes, part of it is jealousy, but he was there when no one else was for Yul, so I kind of see his point of view in that respect. He really takes cares of Yul, and he knows Yul inside and out while Yul puts on a facade at times with Seoh.

    It's a very complicated story, but I think that's what drew me in so quickly because both men have so much chemistry with Yul, and you do feel conflicted but not in a way that makes you hate either one of them. That's a good triangle and a rarity in comics because usually I get so upset or super frustrated.