As i've said in the below comment, "he wasnt raped, they're already kinda in a relationship.didnt u read where ghost says 'he always goes down on soap(i.e.sucks his cock), so he though soap would do the same' "

No… So first of all, you obviously missed the part where Mactavish said "My reluctance to such you off is not the same as you forcing yourself on me!!!" – as in, Ghost always forces himself on the captain; it's not consensual.
And, evidently you don't know what rape is. No matter what kind of relationship people are in normally, you have to get consent every time or else IT IS RAPE!!!!! (Yeah, I know people aren't going to ask every time – it at the very least has to be implied though.) First off, forcing him to give him a blowjob after he sucked out the 'poison,' and then later entering him under the premise of 'you better be quiet or else the sentry will hear,' even while Mactivish was specifically saying "Stop" – yeah, that is rape.
Even something like public sex, bondage, or 'rape play' needs to have consent beforehand in order for it not be considered rape – you cannot just do whatever you want with your partner because you are in a sexual relationship. And, even if something is decided beforehand, if your partner says "stop," you stop. That's also why you make up a "safe word" for things like bondage and rape play – so you can actually yell things like "help" or "stop" and not actually mean them; but if you use the safe word, it really means "STOP!" If you don't, that is also rape.
This is exactly why I mentioned in a different comment that people apparently don't know what rape is. Please correct your definition before going around saying "he wasn't raped."

So True

well anyway tavish just sound like a tsundere for me
"rape yaoi" aside, this was really funny???