Why people talking about Andy be jealous? Nothing in his expression or words suggest jealo...

Rueni March 4, 2021 5:58 pm

Why people talking about Andy be jealous? Nothing in his expression or words suggest jealousy, more like curiosity. And I think I saw a comment about Andy bad mouthing them, when did he do that? The time when he was on his phone ranting to his friend about work? Do people not rant about work anymore? The guy was wondering if HE was the weird one cause he wasn't gay, did he say he was uncomfortable or disgusted about working with them? If he really disliked it, he could've quit, he even said he wonder if he should just quit.

I think Andy was just confused about whether or not he was really attracted to the same sex, is he not allowed to? I'm sure there was a lot of people that was confused about their sexuality, it's not like they knew they were gay from the get-go like others. These things take time. I think Andy is a very curious person and he just wanted to confirm his feelings, which he probably did when he had sex with the dude. He even went to the drink out celebration with them, if he felt uncomfortable he probably would've made an excuse not to go.

Sorry for the rant, I kinda like Andy and unless he shows that he's an absolute dirtbag, imma enjoy watching his growth.

    whipthisho March 4, 2021 6:36 pm

    Yes queen you tell em !

    love2dmen March 4, 2021 7:01 pm

    EXACTLYYYY. and he is a blunt so of course he is going to ask about the thing he is curious about