Where does it state that? The legal adulthood age in JP currently is 20. There's a bit saying he's underage so that just means he's 19 approaching 20 if anything.
There's no mention of 17 or 18, the law stating 18 as the legal adulthood age doesn't go into effect until 2022. The translator also made a note that they mistranslated and that Seijirou is actually 32. This means Ryou has to be 20+ at the end to match the fact that he's 12 years apart from Seijirou.

He's also a highschooler so no, he's not 20+.

That doesn't explicitly state that Ryou is 18 at the end and possibly 17 at the beginning. All that one page shows is that he's underage with no real number.
If you want to mention facts, then that's why it was explicitly stated in the beginning that Seijirou was 32 and that he's 12 years older than Ryou meaning Ryou's more or less 20. Since they mentioned underage, that would mean Ryou's 19 approaching 20 since that's the next number closest to the 12 year age gap. These are the facts on the translation whereas assuming he's 18 at the end isn't a fact.
There's no need to connect the dots when the lines were already drawn. The only one who can really clarify this would be the translator if they messed up somewhere, but instead of spreading assumptions, I'd rather spread facts.

That's where you're better off asking the author.
The whole calculation of Ryou's age comes from the introduction in the beginning where Seijirou narrated that he's almost 12 years older than Ryou as a 32 year old man. 32 - 12 = 20. I'd like to know why Ryou is that old too in high school, but there's no answer there because it's a piece of information the author never really provided.

She never provided this piece of information because he's not 20, he's 18 (since there's a 12 year age gap). It's rare to repeat even one year in Japan, two years is even more far-fetched. It would only happen due to something severe, like a long illness or a case of bullying that made him unable to go to school for years. Most importantly, the author would have stated it in th every first chapter, precisely because it's so uncommon.
The original translator made a mistake. The new translator clarified that the japanese character for Ryou's age meant either 30 or "someone in their thirties". Initially they went with 30 because this is the only logical deduction based on common sense and every other indication in the story. They only went with 32 in this chapter because they chose to trust the first translation even though it makes no sense narratively.

Ok, this is where it still doesn't make sense. The legal age for adulthood in Japan is 20. If we're going to go with common sense, the manga is implying that they wait til Ryou graduates to be legal = he turns 20. With the new translator, on Chapter 6 Page 11, we learn that Ryou was in his 3rd year when he met Seijirou. Assuming there's a 4th year, he only had one more year of school to go which matches again with Chapter 6 Page 12 (and onwards) when Seijirou states that one year passes by in a blink of an eye.
This comes out to being: Ryou graduated in one year and becomes legal. This would mean he was 19 during his third year and then 20 after graduation. This matches more with the original translator stating Seijirou is 32. Narratively, with the legal age being 20, this matches the original translator and is why I presume the new translator trusted the first translation.
If Ryou was 18, he's still underage so there wouldn't have been any "point" to Seijirou waiting. The new law lowering the legal age for adulthood from 20 to 18 doesn't go into effect until 2022. If we want to say Ryou is 18 after graduation, the only assumption we can make here is that this story wasn't written in the current Japanese setting, but rather a pseudo-Japan where the legal age is 18.
Also, I just read the raws. The JP characters used show "3," "10," and "2" meaning Seijirou is actually 32.
Seijirou is 32 years old and Ryou is 20 in the beginning. Chapter 1 Page 29 shows Seijirou's age and he stated that Ryou is almost 12 years younger (Chapter 1 Page 26) which makes Ryou roughly 20 years old.
The age gap is 12 years which isn't that bad. After all, if the two characters were instead something like 40 and 28, this wouldn't have been an issue among the people commenting about it. If anything, I'd understand if some of you were uncomfortable because more people nowadays tend to stick to the single digit range for age gaps so 12 isn't common.
Or maybe some of you guys that are bashing on the story are talking about the mental maturity? It's already been proven that Ryou is much more mentally mature than his physical age so not sure if that still poses an issue.