their relationship is nothing like BJ Alex's and that relationship was tbh rly lopsided with jiwon using DG for whatever he wanted and DG just having no self respect and or awareness for 75 percent of the story so like...the comparison is gross imo. taehwan isnt some stranger that yeonwoo met online and formed a crush on. but a treasured friend that he betrayed and feels so much guilt about AND also he's hot and yeonwoo always thought so. meanwhile taehwan doesnt have a sex show that he needs "material" for and his coldness to yeonwoo is about actual personal shit that yeonwoo did and from having been close to him once and not cause he thinks yeonwoo is beneath him. and that's without even touching on the different realtionships jiwon and taehwan have with gayness in general.

The relationship in Bj Alex was problematic yeah, but so is this thing that is going on between yeonwoo and taehwan. Like I see what you're writing but you seem to kinda glorify something that's is probably not the case... People are mad at taehwan bcs of his shitty behaviour in season 1 and he's not making it better here, that's why people are going at him. Anyway i actually don't really care about any of this, dunno why I even bothered to reply

my issue witih bj alex (which i dont even hate, i read all of it) isnt that it was problematic. all the good love stories have times where the couple did stupid or "problematic" things but rather that it was just....rly one note and cliche tbh. and the story only gets imo GOOD and interesting in the last 20 or so chpts. since he spends the first SIXTY being a shit to DG meanwhile DG's whole schtick is being too Good and Pure to live. smh. they feel more like real people in the final stretch which almost makes up for the majority of the comic.
I also dont care that people are mad at or dislike taehwan, that's fine. but i dislike people painting yeonwoo out to be an innocent victim in order to justify disliking taehwan. hell im hearing more shit about taehwan here than i did about jiwon back in the early chpts of bj alex. who tf knows why. Anyway my bigger issue is people comparing two stories that have very little if any similarities because they happen to be in the same genre (BL campus romance). like i dont know how u can take into account the characters of yeonwoo and taehwan, their history, their motivations, their individual backstories and their place in this narrative and think "bj alex 2.0" like...it feels unfair to the story and also reductive. and idk why u replied either if u dont care lol. but its ok if u do care? idk how to respond to that...

I overall agree a lot with what you said. Yeonwoo here isn't "pure and innocent" nor is he a victim, he's a college student who's confortable with his sexuality and actually has character and a personnality unlike many "uke"/bottoms in BL. He's likable and relatable and god how refreshing is that... (pretty sure I haven't read about any character in BL who hit *that* close to home) I don't know this author really fleshes out their characters I love it.
As for his relationship with Taehwan, I think so too, they definitely have nothing remotely close to Jiwon & DG.
I'd like to see Taehwan chasing Yeonwoo, that's for sure but I don't want him to turn into a flat simp(? i don't have any other word but that's not exactly what i meant) or totally losing his og personnality from before they were a couple for example (i'm looking at you Dojin from LIAI and Taesung from Cherry Blossoms after Winter---) and become downright flat/unidimensional. Although this possibility is very unlikely because of the nature of their relationship anyway.
Something MORE interesting however, would be seeing Taehwan REALLY conflicted with his feelings and some kind of journey to accept that he wants a relationship with Yeonwoo (whatever if they remain sex friends, I mean actually being engaged in whatever the fuck they have going on..., not clearing himself of his role in it)
Also, whatever happens, I don't want Yeonwoo to cry over him, he needs not be heartbroken for Taehwan's character development or go trough a painful "break up" (like whatever happened in bj alex it took to make jiwon realize he wanted DG)
That's my take on the story. I'd like to know what you think.
can’t wait to see him chase after yeonwu like in Bj Alex did after DG