i mean like same but the point is that she doesnt have any expectations for him to begin with, this entire mangas such a psychological mess that its not ab who likes who but more about obsession that makes no sense and has no pattern (god i sound like an asshole but i rlly like analyzing this manga)..
and i dont think she would ever really be disgusted by him unless she actually fell for him, which i dont think she has yet, and idk if he loves her but i think its mostly just an obsession first w what she represents as something new and exciting and now he's slowly more obsessed w her as a person.
but im sure we'll see more of what you mentioned the way this manga is going :))
I want to yoshino to stare at kirishima with disgust in her eyes. He's been sleeping with other women even though he said a bunch of times that he likes her. I just want yoshino to be feared by kirishima