I read a couple comments on here, they’re kind of mixed up for what actually happens but I think got the just that *spoiler*
From what I’ve read the white concubine isn’t actually a slave (some say she is but idek at this point lmao) and in actuality she’s more like a prostitute? She apparently doesn’t care about her kids and I heard one person say her “second kid” is actually her third (but I heard others say this didn’t happen)
So anyways she ends up dying, how she dies it could be from su*cide or murder but it’s not certain how exactly it happens.
Before she dies tho what happened is yes FL does get divorced and married bird boy! They have twins one girl and one boy I think and they inherit their fathers bird powers.
As for the emperor he marries the white girl and it ends up that he’s actually infertile and the baby he thought was his wasn’t and it’s some dudes who Idk. After the white girl dies he didn’t care because he actually was using her to make the fl jealous and want him( that somehow made sense in his small brain) but obviously it backfired lmao. He doesn’t die but what does happen is that he apparently suffered from an accident that erased the last four years of his memories so when he finds out that fl remarried and was happy with kids he’s mad sad but we don’t care because KARMA ψ(`∇´)ψ because he suffered from memory loss he was deemed unfit as emperor but idk what happens or if anything does happen like he gets demoted and someone’s takes the emperor position idk ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
As a conclusion, what we want to have happen does actually happen (except for emperor meeting his doom but hey karma got some justice on him at least) now we just have to watch it unfold before our eyes ('ω')
Holy moly- I’ve read some spoilers and I can’t even begin to explain the extreme relief I was given from then! I can’t wait to see the downfall of trashta and the stupid emperor, karma is a b*tch ψ(`∇´)ψ