Lol what is wrong with sleeping around? You guys know the popular yaoi mangas in this site...

zehelxx March 3, 2021 12:30 pm

Lol what is wrong with sleeping around? You guys know the popular yaoi mangas in this site right? Almost %90 popular yaoi mangas in here have semes who sleeps around and ukes just virgin, innocent and naive but when someone says something to semes everyone like what is wrong when they arent in a realitionship. Not just that but semes even abuse or rape ukes but in the end everyone like he must have a bad past so it is okay. Who dont like this uke go read the most popular ones. Ukes become great toys to you guys in there dont worry lol

    Melody March 3, 2021 2:05 pm

    To love the person for who they are now is so much better than to look over they past even if it was disgusting or somewhat

    zehelxx March 3, 2021 2:26 pm
    To love the person for who they are now is so much better than to look over they past even if it was disgusting or somewhat Melody

    I dont think problem is their character but instead the uke in this story sleeps around and seme is innocent. They dont like when ukes like that and always complain something about them. I want to know what people have in their brains to think that ukes cant sleep around and have to be innocent but semes have to be fuckboy who abuse ukes all the time lol. You should see the comments in other yaoi mangas when ukes sleep around they just slut shaming but when it comes to semes it is hot

    Melody March 3, 2021 2:39 pm
    I dont think problem is their character but instead the uke in this story sleeps around and seme is innocent. They dont like when ukes like that and always complain something about them. I want to know what peo... zehelxx

    As long as they wasn't in a relationship
    They can do whatever they want
    Sleep around anywhere they want who give a fuck not like there was a fucking special someone waiting for them at home
    I will be sleeping around too if i am lonely and want the human warmth of a man and what is so wrong about that does any rule say that people are banned to sleep around
    Only called someone a slut or a whore when they deserve it
    Even if someone is liking them like so what
    What right do they have to tie a person down for doing what they like to do
    So stupid
    (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
    Be more open minded about this sleeping around thingy it is si normal
    Stop making a fuss and shaming people
    It's hurtful (/TДT)/

    ZelAn March 3, 2021 7:59 pm

    I dislike the seme toying with Uke as well. It’s okay if you sleep around.

    But just never do it if you’re in a relationship with someone and leading someone on who has a crush on you and giving false hopes, only to find out he/she is sleeping with the whole town.

    This Manhwa ends ch 30 btw. And they go in a relationship so fast. Gosh.

    zehelxx March 3, 2021 10:02 pm
    I dislike the seme toying with Uke as well. It’s okay if you sleep around. But just never do it if you’re in a relationship with someone and leading someone on who has a crush on you and giving false hopes,... ZelAn

    The thing is that there was a manga like that when seme did what you said and i made a comment about it saying it was too much but do you know what people said to me? They said they arent dating so what is wrong with him sleeping around lol. They are really two faced toward ukes so much. Like you said doesnt matter seme or uke but i dont like that as well. If you are leading someone but actually just using them it isnt good. I dont care about character development. If they do something like this they dont deserve forgiving so easily.

    ZelAn March 3, 2021 10:49 pm
    The thing is that there was a manga like that when seme did what you said and i made a comment about it saying it was too much but do you know what people said to me? They said they arent dating so what is wron... zehelxx

    Yeah people say that shit and it’s stupid tbh. Probably just young ones not experienced in where someone gives you false hope romantically and then finding out they have someone else. I try to stay away from BL stories where these shit happens but darn my compulsive self I can’t.
    “They aren’t dating so what is wrong with him sleeping around lol.”

    It goes for both seme and Uke, in general I mean, sleeping around while you have someone you’re dating exclusive or not is not right. People excuses many ukes just cause they’re main character and same with Seme, many say seme is so hot so let’s let it pass.

    “Kiss me, Liar”, “Black Lotus”, etc. One of the trashiest seems are in there. Well the first one doesn’t include cheating but having too much pride. And having too much pride can lead to unstable relationships so.

    (⌒▽⌒) BL community is fucked up.
    Leading someone on, false hopes, cheating betrayal, no can do in my area. I will smack the living soul out of their chest.

    zehelxx March 4, 2021 1:20 am
    Yeah people say that shit and it’s stupid tbh. Probably just young ones not experienced in where someone gives you false hope romantically and then finding out they have someone else. I try to stay away from ... ZelAn

    Lol we are really in the same page. And the most popular ones has that kind of semes too so it is normal for authors to using that same concept in every bl. Nowadays i am trying to read mangas where strong mls good at fighting. But so much of them have harem so i cant enjoy so much reading mangas.

    ZelAn March 4, 2021 2:15 am
    Lol we are really in the same page. And the most popular ones has that kind of semes too so it is normal for authors to using that same concept in every bl. Nowadays i am trying to read mangas where strong mls ... zehelxx

    Omg yes, mainly Manhua (Chinese comics) I think. They have good art I guess sometimes and plot is nice, but too many overused parts and harem as well.

    Authors also really putting trash seme as a concept and I’m sick of it

    zehelxx March 4, 2021 9:32 am
    Omg yes, mainly Manhua (Chinese comics) I think. They have good art I guess sometimes and plot is nice, but too many overused parts and harem as well. Authors also really putting trash seme as a concept and I�... ZelAn

    Haha i am suprised we are thinking same about other manga genres as well. People mostly okay with harem if story is good but if i saw any harem word about that manga or like you said if seme is trash i just drop that manga. It is waste of time

    ZelAn March 4, 2021 12:33 pm
    Haha i am suprised we are thinking same about other manga genres as well. People mostly okay with harem if story is good but if i saw any harem word about that manga or like you said if seme is trash i just dro... zehelxx

    Yes exactly. I don’t mind it if it has just a little bit of harem but not collecting girls/boys like it’s Pokémon throughout the whole plot.
    I’d rather have it focus on plot more than collecting.

    zehelxx March 4, 2021 4:37 pm
    Yes exactly. I don’t mind it if it has just a little bit of harem but not collecting girls/boys like it’s Pokémon throughout the whole plot. I’d rather have it focus on plot more than collecting. ZelAn

    And sometimes there isnt any need for romance just let them fight and get stronger what is wrong with that? They throw romance in a good manga. Without romance someone can live i am sure

    ZelAn March 4, 2021 5:21 pm
    And sometimes there isnt any need for romance just let them fight and get stronger what is wrong with that? They throw romance in a good manga. Without romance someone can live i am sure zehelxx

    Exactly. If monks can live without romance devoting to whatever they devote to, it’s possible.

    I dropped many comics cause of the intensity of romance and then adding girls who somehow fall in love with the MC. I

    zehelxx March 4, 2021 7:08 pm
    Exactly. If monks can live without romance devoting to whatever they devote to, it’s possible. I dropped many comics cause of the intensity of romance and then adding girls who somehow fall in love with the M... ZelAn

    And mostly that girls who fell in love with mc are useless and whining so much. I didnt see any good love interest so thats why it is annoying to see romance in that kind of mangas too ( ̄へ ̄)

    ZelAn March 4, 2021 8:06 pm
    And mostly that girls who fell in love with mc are useless and whining so much. I didnt see any good love interest so thats why it is annoying to see romance in that kind of mangas too ( ̄へ ̄) zehelxx

    Oh my gosh I swear, even my little siblings have better mentality than people who go around whining and seeking attention from their crush endlessly. They know no boundaries/limits.

    Especially those girls who gets jealous in every little thing.