Calm Down

DEX March 3, 2021 9:35 am

I knew the kid was too eager to act so highly and show face cause of fear of not being accepted, he belongs nowhere, the only home he knows is the elf kingdom so he emphasizes he’s an elf and praises the elf kingdom, flaunting his elf blood in fear if anyone will find out he’s both human and elf, well it’s hard being apart of 2 races that despise eachother, you see this as he’s desperate in not wanting to be abandoned, ignored or lose a connection with the black haired girl as well as dishonouring the old elf, he’s suffering from a lot of issues and a huge one is abandonment for his own mother it seems all he knows is that she left him. I see a lot of people getting fed up with his cocky, idiotic and ignorant attitude but you gotta see him for what he physically is a noble child that is obviously scared (he legit fainted) yes, he’s a kid, and big up on our sword king for not abandoning him knowing the kid would die left alone, yes the art is really good at making him look annoying but the art also shows other important details not only the toxic ones that you get ticked off by.

    LunarLily March 8, 2021 8:54 am

    FINALLY SOMEONE HAS SAID IT, To think that some readers here would be so ignorant of the childs behavior really ticks me off.